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Successful Collective Impact

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Clear Impact Scorecard gives you the tools to collect, track, and analyze your data to measure the impact of your work

  • A common agenda with measurable impact through visual strategy maps and a focus on population data
  • Shared measurement system through defining performance measures for each community partner aligned with the common agenda
  • Creates a backbone support infrastructure for your collective impact effort

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1200+ organizations worldwide trust Clear Impact to achieve their outcomes

Campaign for Grade Level Reading

Living Cities

Promise Neighborhoods Institute

Coalition for New Britain’s Youth

Northside Achievement Zone

Bridging Richmond


Michael McAfee

“One of the reasons why we decided to partner with Clear Impact is because they really understand the non-profit sector and design solutions that can help drive people to make an impact on their communities.”

Dr. Michael McAfee



Heidi Gortakowski

“We’re seeing the benefit of tracking performance through staff engagement. Scorecard is geared towards showing data trends over time, which gets people to think about data existing on a continuum, not just a point in time.”

Heidi Gortakowski, MPH
Performance Improvement Manager

Vermont Department of Health


Terie Taylor-Wolfe

“Clear Impact is very invested in the outcome of what we’re trying to accomplish, in us being successful.  And the software is geared for the not-for-profit sector.  Not all software is.  It is quite intuitive.  It is almost too simple to be true.”

Terie Taylor-Wolf
Data and Research Director

United Way of Central Iowa

Analyze Performance

By taking a diagnostic approach, our services structure your measurable performance into a clear and precise framework and language that everyone agrees on to help you move forward together with confidence.

Enhance Leadership

Our results-based leadership training workshops, integrated programs and facilitation services enhance motivation and build competencies needed to make positive personal, organizational and community change.

Achieve Impact

Managers and stakeholders need access to accurate and clear information for effective planning and management. Our Clear Impact Scorecard software delivers the tools you need to create results internally and with grantees.