Connecticut State Representative Diana Urban knows a thing or two about how to answer tough questions on performance measurement in her state’s government.

Urban recently appeared on the BBC One’s Sunday Politics Northern Ireland segment to address criticisms of the Results-Based Accountability framework (a.k.a Outcomes-Based Accountability in parts of the UK) and how her state is using it to improve the lives of children and families.

In the interview, Urban answers hard-hitting questions like “Critics of the approach say it’s flawed, and it’s flawed for the following reasons: it’s vague, it’s nebulous, and it’s impossible to evaluate. How do you respond to that criticism?” Urban answers by focusing on the framework’s simplicity and emphasis on using data to evaluate and improve wellbeing.

Check out the full interview below to see how Urban approaches the conversation and to get some ideas on how to answer similar questions you may encounter when engaging in this work.

The interview coincided with the world’s third international Results-Based Accountability summit. At the summit, more than 400 delegates, including many prominent Northern Ireland politicians, gathered to learn about the RBA framework and explore its implementation around the world.

The framework is gaining buzz around Northern Ireland, as the country’s Executive Office has integrated the framework into it’s Draft Programme for Government. This is the highest level strategic document of the Executive; it sets out the priorities that it will pursue and the most significant actions it will take to address them.