It is clear the organizations within the public sector have certain advantages that make community initiatives much more effective in addressing a myriad of problems. However, there are still challenging underpinnings that make achieving sustainable change almost impossible. In an effort to enhance and empower leaders at all levels many organizations within the public sector are turning to leadership development programs. Although, a proliferation of these programs have been developed in an effort to combat problems, three problematic areas remain – confusing jargon, outdated practices and a refusal by leadership to recognize and fully understand the specific need of communities. Adam Luecking, CEO of Clear Impact says, “Governments and non-profits will spend billions of dollars each year on leadership development programs. But all of that is wasted, if leaders lack an understanding of the Measurable Impact that the money is intended to support.”

What is measurable impact? Measurable Impact, aka Turning the Curve, is making a measurable improvement on the baseline of a population indicator or program performance measure.

To enhance and empower public sector management, organizations need to invest in leadership development programs with an intentional focus on Measurable Impact.  The Results-Based Accountability framework and Clear Impact Scorecard software can help bring precision to the passion of public sector leaders.  Here is how:

The Results-Based Accountability Framework

The Results Based Accountability (RBA) framework can enhance and empower public sector organizations to identify important performance measures and indicators to address immediate community needs and to enhance overall social impact. The RBA framework effectively deals with two of the challenges. First, the RBA framework emphasizes the importance of using a common language that all stakeholders can understand.  Oftentimes, in an effort to provide the specifics organizations will opt to use language that unfortunately creates more confusion in the long haul. The RBA framework encourages users to be clear and disciplined in their language. The Results Based Accountability framework uses five key terms to enhance and empower public sector management–results, indicators, baselines, turning the curve, strategies and performance measures.


  • Results – a population condition of well-being for children, adults, families and communities, stated in plain language
  • Indicator – a measure that helps quantify the achievement of a result
  • Strategy – a coherent collection of actions that have a reasoned chance of improving results
  • Performance Measure –a measure of how well a program, agency or service system is working

People who work together need a common language in order to be successful. To achieve Measurable Impact, goals need to be clearly defined for all parties involved. Secondly, the RBA framework encourages public sector management to be as inclusive as possible. By including as many voices as possible during the process, new and fresh ideas will begin to emerge and replace outdated practices that are no longer effective. The key to successful strategic partnerships is an environment where collaboration is central. However, collaboration should never be the end goal. Collaboration is merely a means to an end.

Clear Impact Scorecard 3.0

Many times, leadership at all levels will have a hard time fully understanding the specific needs of a community. Clear Impact Scorecard 2.0 takes information across multiple organizational sectors, asks tough questions, generates extensive research and compiles reports that are both easily accessible and easy to understand. Clear Impact Scorecard 2.0 will begin to tell a story behind the data that is undeniable for even the most skeptical of stakeholders to see.  After all the information is collected, it is made public for all members of the community – civic associations, community organizers, advocates, business leaders and legislative officials.

Our unique and effective software will allow organizations within the public sector to create a common agenda by focusing on similar results, encouraging honest critique of systems and providing the platform for new ideas to crystallize.  By embracing a more transparent model each entity will begin to see where they fit into the larger scheme.

Results Leadership Programs

Ultimately, your leadership programs, that incorporate RBA and Clear Impact Scorecard,  need to be designed to empower and enhance public sector management.  Two examples that do that while creating Measurable Impact include the Community Impact Leadership Program and Organizational Leadership Program that we offer.

Check out our website to learn more or feel free to call us at 301-907-7541.