On June 11, Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin signed S.293, a bill that places RBA’s approach to accountability into state law. This is model legislation for other US states and governments around the world. Please download and read this legislation, and share it with others: Vermont Bill S.293

The bill comes from an historic agreement between the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the nonprofit community. Notable among the many who deserve credit for this accomplishment are: (from the legislature) the bill’s sponsors, Senator Diane Snelling (R) and Representative Anne O’Brien (D), (from the executive branch) (Agency of Human Services) Secretary Doug Racine, Monica Hutt, Susan Bartlett and Drusilla Roessle (from the Governor’s Office) Chief Performance Officer Sue Zeller (from the nonprofit sector) Anne Lezak, Lauren-Glenn Davitian, Scott Johnson, Kate Jellema, Martha Maksym and Eddie Gale….. and many others.