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Measurable Impact 2017

Mobilizing for Results and Equity

November 8-10 2017

Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center | San Antonio, Texas

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Overview    |    Agenda     |     Speakers    |    Register |    Registrant FAQ

Develop the skills you need to create sustainable and equitable community impact.

Join other public sector leaders for this unique networking and learning opportunity. You will explore concepts and tools to help you improve your performance and achieve equitable results for children, families, and communities worldwide. Build the practical skills you need to foster a culture of accountability, engage in more effective data-based decision making, and implement sound improvement strategies.  Purchase your tickets today! >>

2017 Featured Speakers

Mark Friedman
Mark FriedmanDirector, Fiscal Policy Studies Institute
Celine McStravick
Celine McStravick Director, National Children's Bureau Northern Ireland
Harvey Najim
Harvey NajimPresident, Harvey E. Najim Family Foundation
Tynesia Boyea-Robinson
Tynesia Boyea-RobinsonCEO, Reliance Methods
Alicia Lara
Alicia LaraSenior Vice President of Global Impact, United Way Worldwide

What to Expect



Results-Based Accountability (RBA) is a rigorous, yet easy-to-understand framework that can be used to help you improve your organizational performance and achieve lasting community impact. RBA helps practitioners get from talk-to-action quickly on actually making a measurable difference. Attend the full-day Results-Based Accountability workshop if you are new to the framework or need a refresher.



In our unique interactive sessions, you won’t just listen to speakers drone on about their own successes. Our facilitators will engage you in a group discussion, help you practice implementing the concepts discussed, and provide practical recommendations to help you in your day-to-day work. Speakers will get you up out of your seats, interacting with one another, and smiling.



Measurable Impact 2017 is going to integrate elements of fun to help you connect with fellow guests and speakers. Speakers will get you up out of your seats, interacting with one another, and smiling. There may even be some dancing! All guests will be invited to a reception after the day’s sessions are complete on November 9th. Don’t miss out on the Mariachi Band and cocktails!

Programming Tracks Designed to Fit Your Industry

Early Education

Focus Result:

All Children are Ready to 

Children & Families

Focus Result:

All Children & Youth are Success


Focus Result:

All People are Healt

Economic Success

Focus Result:

All Families are Economically Secur

United Way


Results-Based Accountability work done by United Way

A Focus on Equity

Achieving equity is a core focus in our implementation of Results-Based Accountability and work to help communities thrive. Equity is defined as the just and fair inclusion into a society in which all can participate, prosper, and reach their full potential. Past and current policies, behaviors and attitudes have created poor conditions for certain groups, whether they be gender-based, racial, socioeconomic, or others. Public sector professionals and communities need to work together to understand these inequities so that they can move the needle for and with the most impacted populations. Not only is this the right thing to do, but it will help accelerate the pace of community-wide improvements in wellbeing.

This year’s conference will include sessions and success stories that showcase how Results-Based Accountability can be used to achieve more equitable outcomes, through the disciplined use of data and the development of insights on root causes of racial inequities.

Blast From the Past!

Check out some photos from previous RBA Conferences

Measurable Impact Conference
Measurable Impact Conference
Measurable Impact Conference
clear impact and cbac staff photo
Measurable Impact Conference
Measurable Impact Conference