Praise for Social Sector Hero

Adam’s book focuses on funders and organizational leaders and why the Results-Based Accountability approach makes sense from a funding perspective. The stories and recommendations Adam shares demonstrate practical and effective approaches that will work for real people, organizations, and communities around the world. This book is powerful reading for leaders and funders who want to make a difference.
– Anne McIntyre-Lahner, CEO of Action 2 Outcomes, former Director of Performance Management at Connecticut Department of Children and Families, and author of Stop Spinning Your Wheels – Using Results-Based Accountability to Steer Your Agency to Success
If you’re planning for or already on the journey to achieving population-level impact, this book is an indispensable road map. It’s a terrific resource – filled with practical guidance and inspiring stories.
– Ron Fairchild, President and CEO, Smarter Learning Group
Tēnā koutou katoa (Greetings to you all). I am an indigenous wāhine (woman) of Aotearoa New Zealand. Māori are the indigenous peoples of our beautiful country. I have known and worked with Adam and the Clear Impact team for many years. I write this mihi (acknowledgment) because we have used RBA and the many techniques outlined in Adam’s book for nearly a decade. As an indigenous consultancy firm that stands unapologetically for ōritetanga (equity), manawaroa (resilience), oranga (wellbeing) and tukunga iho (results), and in our own right as an indigenous provider of oranga | wellbeing services for all, we have worked with government, non-government organisations, Māori health, and social service providers and iwi (tribes) to apply RBA and use it to inform strategy, policy, service design, and delivery practices. Our approach to outcomes mahi (work) has always been to privilege tāngata (people), whānau (family), and hāpori (community) aspirations and then to activate ‘turning the curve’ in order to transform aspirations into reality. What we really value in Adam’s book is that it aligns with our intent of peoples’ wellbeing first, systems and services second. In other words, we are here to serve and activate people, family, community, and tribal aspirations and well-being not the other way around. Finally, as leaders of change and oranga | wellbeing, despite the many challenges Adam’s book reminds us of, I encourage you to stick to the kaupapa (purpose). Sometimes you will feel discouraged that the ‘machine’ just won’t or can’t change. Our advice is to surround yourself with a network of passionate people who like you, want the very best for those who need our support the most. You will experience highs and lows but always remember that person, family, or community that you supported to be their own agents of change and who were, therefore, able to flourish themselves and go on to lead intergenerational wellbeing. I end with this whakatauki (proverb) from my culture – E hara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini. My strength is not as an individual but that of the collective. I wish you the very best in your journey. Mauri ora.
– Sharon Shea MNZM, Owner and Principal Consultant, Shea Pita & Associates (New Zealand), Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Haua, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Hako (Sharon’s tribal affiliations)
Social Sector Hero is an essential guide for government and philanthropic funders who want to make measurable impacts in their communities. All the steps and skills you need – hard and soft – are covered. Adam makes the hero’s journey both fun and real by bringing his young family and love of fantasy into the story, along with a series of case studies to prove every point. Read this book and you’ll be “turning curves” in no time!
–Andrew Kleine, Author of City on the Line: How Baltimore Transformed Its Budget to Beat the Great Recession and Deliver Outcomes
In this book, Adam Luecking will both inspire new professionals and validate the experience of those who have been doing quality improvement work for some time. We should all constantly be striving for that “common purpose” and fewer, more meaningful measures. Plus, his use of metaphor and storytelling makes this a fun, easy read.
–Sabrina Townsend, Assistant Vice President Evaluation & Quality Improvement, Jewish United Fund
Social Sector Hero is a valuable manual, with easy-to-follow instructions on making the impact everyone in our sector dreams of making. As Adam states in Chapter Two, “No one entity can do this work in isolation.” It takes all of us, and Adam’s book helps light and direct a path forward. The book is a rich reminder that we can all be heroes.
– Kristin Hartley, Director of Organizational Impact, Child & Family Service, Hawai’i
Adam is one of the top leaders in the worldwide Results-Based Accountability (RBA) community. In this important book, Adam brings new insights into the crucial role that funders play in measurably improving the quality of life in the communities they serve. Whether you are new to the concepts in this book or an experienced practitioner you will find useful advice and inspiring stories. I highly recommend it for both funders and their grantees.
– Mark Friedman, Director of the Fiscal Policy Studies Institute, creator of Results-Based Accountability, and author of Trying Hard is Not Good Enough
If you are in governmental public health, you will recognize stories about superheroes who separate population accountability from program accountability. You understand that everyone must “do what you can with what you have.” Adam’s book provides practical advice on decreasing time spent in meetings, learning to be concise, and staying focused on results. This is a must-read for public health professionals who work with wicked problems.
– Kathryn Dail, Director, Healthy North Carolina 2030, North Carolina Division of Public Health
Adam busts a global myth in his latest book. Measuring impact isn’t limited by geography, industry, or client group. Every community deserves our commitment and discipline to just start working in a different way.
– Julie Hourigan Ruse, CEO, SHINE for Kids (Australia)
You will see yourself in this book; perhaps, even, in one or more of these Heroes’ journeys. Follow Adam’s advice for getting started on your own journey and just do it. His entertaining, sensible approach and unassuming way will give you the confidence you need to start looking at performance and accountability in a different way and to push through any challenges that stand in the way of your work towards a Common Purpose.
– Marian Rueter Godwin, Director of Community Impact Services, United Way of Central Iowa
Adam provides useful and practical tips that any funder could use to create greater impact. The stories of Heroes are an inspiration. I recommend that any Chinese funder looking to make a difference read this book.
– Jufang Zhang, CEO, Capacity Building and Assessment Center (China)
This book is a must-read for leaders who want to create and sustain cultures of excellence within their organizations and partnerships. Adam has done a skillful job of communicating a core set of data-centered approaches that are flexible enough to stimulate creative solutions to complex social problems. The more funders that invest using Adam’s evidence-based recommendations, the more potential we have for widespread and equitable social transformation at scale.
– Dr. Randal Pinkett, Chairman and CEO, BCT Partners
For more than two decades, Adam Luecking has been at the forefront of the study and practice of leadership development for values-driven organizations. His new book, Social Sector Hero, offers a clear and inspiring model for how governmental and charitable organizations can leverage Results-Based Accountability to achieve ambitious goals. Adam provides a proven pathway and real case studies to help every social sector leader successfully complete their own hero’s journey.
– Ryan Spiegel, Councilmember, City of Gaithersburg (MD)
Download Social Sector Hero For Free!
In Social Sector Hero – How Government and Philanthropy Can Fund for Impact, Adam Luecking introduces eight core strategies to create world-class performance reporting systems in significantly less time — and using those systems to empower your grantees without adding burden. Find out how you can improve your social sector impact:

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