Easily Collect, Organize, and Analyze the Data You Need to Deliver High-Performing Services

Easily collect data about your stakeholders, create custom forms that can be completed from anywhere, automatically aggregate survey data for analysis, and make better data-based decisions. Clear Impact Compyle empowers public and social sector organizations to use data to deliver effective community services and create impact.

Compyle survey participant analytics views screenshots
  • Collect data about any individual
  • Organize people into limitless groups
  • Send custom surveys and forms
  • Disaggregate data for equity
  • Build your network through partnerships and referrals

Trusted by Hundreds of Organizations

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healthy north carolina 2030

Data Collection and Management Software

Easily collect, organize, and analyze data about your service recipients, employees, stakeholders, and community partners.

Service Recipient Management

Capture demographics AND engagement data about your service recipients and organize them into limitless groups to understand how they move through programs in your organization.

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Surveys and Forms

Create custom forms to capture your desired data. Directly survey any of your stakeholders without them having to access the system. Utilize "Form Logic" to create smart surveys that adapt as respondents complete them.

Data Analytics

Aggregate your survey data into easy-to-read charts and graphs to analyze program outcomes. Disaggregate data to advance equity. Feed data directly into the Clear Impact Scorecard for further analysis.

Improve Service Delivery AND Save Money

Collect data efficiently, track progress over time, and practice effective data evaluation... all at a better price point.

With our transition from our previous case management system to Compyle, there is over $70,000 in savings for our organization…Our funded partners… our staff find it much easier to use, so everyone is a lot happier with Compyle.”

Marian Rueter Godwin | Senior Community Impact Services Officer, United Way of Central Iowa

Originally, we utilized Google Forms to collect client-level data, but ultimately, it wasn’t secure enough. We also tested out medical provider platforms, but these only collected and stored data with no way to practice data evaluation, track progress over time, or share achievements with partners and the public. We found that Compyle was the answer to our data-collection needs.

Marna Armstead | Co-Founder & Executive Director, SisterWeb

Create a Culture of Accountability

Ready to learn how Clear Impact can help you improve your service delivery and create measurable impact?

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unlimited suite UW webinar cover

Learn more about what your organization can accomplish with Clear Impact Suite and hear three customer success stories from United Way of Central Iowa, Healthy North Carolina 2030, and SisterWeb.

Watch Webinar
compyle intro webinar cover

Watch our Compyle launch webinar to learn a little bit more about the system's specialized features, including participant management, surveys, analytics, and automatic data feeds into Clear Impact Scorecard.

Watch Webinar
Compyle demonstration

Scorecard and Compyle work together to provide a complete set of data collection, management, and impact strategy tools for organizations of any size. Dive more deeply into what you can accomplish with Compyle.

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