Disparity Reduction Implementation Packages 

Our Disparity Reduction Implementation Packages are designed  to address systemic inequities through shared accountability of your community partners.

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Our Package

Our packages powerfully combine a process that helps you to critically assess how inequities are perpetuated in your community, using the Results-Based Accountability process to create equity action plans, and Clear Impact Suite to ensure shared accountability for outcomes.

Check out our Free E-Book for an in-depth description of the package!

What the Package Includes

Our packages offer a chance for individuals and organizations to learn and apply a system for tackling systemic inequalities. We first offer a set of tools related to RBA that help a group of stakeholders to collaborate on reducing disparities related to an issue area (or areas). Examples are health, education, workforce development, etc. We then walk you through a process to develop and implement strategies and action plans that reduce disparities for your indicator(s).

You and your partners can expect to build capacity to apply data-drive decision-making on disaggregated measures, along with actions and measures to begin making a difference.

Our packages are for any funders, organizations, or collaboratives of organizations who have a deep interest in reducing community level racial disparities or closing racial disparity gaps- whether they are related to race, gender, age, disability, or any other inequity you want to address. We promise to meet you wherever you are in your journey, whether you are unsure of where to start, do not yet have a shared knowledge base, are in need of a method, or are in need of tools to map racial equity data. If you already have a system for reducing disparities, we are happy to help you accelerate your current system and build excitement and buy-in from community members and stakeholders. 

Who is This Package For?

The Clear Impact team has deep experience guiding communities and organizations to build equity initiatives. Work alongside our consultants to find what method will work best for you. We use a combination of RBA concepts and tools that help a group of stakeholders to collaborate on reducing racial disparities for one indicator related to a specific issue area.

If you have already begun your work, but feel that you are stuck in a dead end, it is likely that you are missing the concrete foundational ideas to advance your work to the next level. Our package works to ensure that your work is scalable depending on your present and future conditions. With use of the RBA Framework and aligned data tools, we will work with you to build capacity to apply data-driven decision-making on disaggregated data.

Implementation of racial equity plans requires unified data management, cross-collaboration, and use of a single framework. Our team can help you take your action plan and make it fully actionable on multiple organizational levels. Learn about Results-Based Accountability, data collection tools, and data sharing tools that will get your organization on track to make a bigger difference in your community.

Example Scorecards

These Scorecards represent the culmination of stakeholders engaging in Turn the Curve Thinking on disaggregated data to determine the right strategies and actions that will reduce disparities. More importantly, these Scorecards are the workspace where stakeholders collaborate and share accountability for their work.

Click here to see a Scorecard that monitors the productivity and impact for strategies addressing a single indicator:

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Below is a zoom-in on the individual indicator to give context to the Story Behind the Curve.

Click here to see a Scorecard that monitors the productivity and impact for strategies addressing a single indicator:

View in Web

Below is a zoom-in on the individual indicator to give context to the Story Behind the Curve.

Our Commitment to You

It can be challenging to develop and implement strategies that help address systemic inequities. The factors contributing to systemic inequity – whether it’s in education, environment, health, or some other sector – are incredibly complex and interrelated. The approach to address these factors requires a structure and process that provides opportunities for discussion, reflection, healthy disagreement, and consensus building. When stakeholders join this kind of project, they arrive with unique experiences and perspectives and from different organizational cultures. They likely have different levels of understanding and experience with engaging in work to address systemic inequity.

For a project to have the highest potential for success, it is essential that stakeholders have a base level of shared understanding about systemic inequity – what it means, how it works, and why it matters. They will need to operate in a safe space that supports brave, frank, and vulnerable discussion amongst stakeholders. A successful engagement requires flexibility from the facilitator in any given moment, even as the structure and process remains intact. It requires absolute respect for the journey that stakeholders undertake. And it means inhabiting a deep humility in the role of process guide: actively listening, staying fully present, and believing what your stakeholders experience and share.

Clear Impact is committed to building this type of experience for your community.

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“One of the reasons this has worked so well for us is that there’s synergy between our organizations, the work we are doing, and Clear Impact. That always makes a difference in how an engagement goes when there’s synergy and mission alignment. Secondly, I would say the flexibility Clear Impact has extended in the work, growing with us, and adapting as we learn together along the way, has been very helpful for this work we are engaged in. 

There would have been no way, with the capacity we had, that we would have been able to facilitate or help the groups deliberate without the support Clear Impact provided for us. Those three things have made for a very positive experience, so much so that we have recommended Clear Impact to others.”

Marsha Mockabee, President and CEO, Urban League of Greater Cleveland

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