April 2025 Events:
The Future of Results-Based Accountability — Leveraging AI for Greater Impact
Date/Time: Wednesday, April 30th, 2 PM – 3 PM (EST)
Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar
Join us for an exclusive webinar featuring Mark Friedman, Director of the Fiscal Policy Studies Institute and creator of Results-Based Accountability (RBA), alongside Adam Luecking, CEO of Clear Impact and author of Social Sector Hero — How Government & Philanthropy Can Fund for Impact.
You’re probably familiar with how the Results-Based Accountability framework is helping organizations and communities worldwide get from talk to action to create measurable impact. AI is a rapidly evolving and powerful tool that individuals, teams, and communities can use to enhance their RBA implementation.
In this session, Mark will provide a brief overview of the RBA framework, while Adam will showcase how Clear Impact’s Scorecard AI Assist tools can help organizations…
Learn More/ Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_F37zJCzvQtONdMbejiqbkg#/registration