Assess → Improve → Achieve
One System to Simplify and Streamline Public Health Initiatives

Performance management and impact measurement in one place
Create custom scorecards that are easy to navigate and update
Easily organize your community health data and program performance data to see impact at a glance
Keep track of the story behind your data and develop your improvement strategy
Engage in a proven results-based process to improve your performance and impact
Manage mandatory health outcomes reporting and performance management for PHAB Accreditation
Easily educate the public on health issues & improvement plans
Provide contextual information with your data to educate the public
Embed interactive scorecards on your website to share your progress and impact
Download customizable reports and export your graphs
Link together with other Scorecard users to share data, coordinate efforts, and create collective impact
Analyze and share your overall impact at a glance

Scorecard is Industry Tested and Approved
Case Study: Increasing Transparency and Accountability for Public Health in Vermont
Healthy Vermonters 2020
The Vermont Department of Health uses Clear Impact Scorecard for their Healthy Vermonters 2020 Initiative – a plan designed to engage policymakers, government, health and human services professionals, and the public in setting, measuring and working to achieve long term public health outcomes.
View Vermont Public Health’s Scorecards:
- 3-4-50 Scorecard
- Access to Health Services Scorecard
- Alcohol & Other Drug Use Scorecard
- Arthritis & Osteoporosis Scorecard
- Cancer Scorecard
- Diabetes & Kidney Disease Scorecard
- Early Childhood Screening Scorecard
- Environmental Health & Food Safety Scorecard
- Family Planning Scorecard
- Heart Disease & Stroke Scorecard
- HIV, AIDS & STDs Scorecard
- Immunization & Infectious Disease Scorecard
- Injury & Violence Prevention Scorecard
- Maternal & Infant Health Scorecard
- Mental Health Scorecard
- Older Adults Scorecard
- Opioids Scorecard
- Oral Health Scorecard
- Activity, Nutrition & Weight Scorecard
- Public Health Preparedness Scorecard
Creating High-Performing Public Health Organizations

Vermont Department of Health

Connecticut Department of Health

San Francisco Department of Public Health

Alameda County Public Health

National Institute of Health
Additional Resources