Clear Impact Scorecard is United Way Worldwide’s choice for supporting the
Global Results Framework

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United Way and Scorecard


“United Way is a global network, capable of delivering change at scale that helps to improve lives and strengthen communities. We do this by bringing organizations and people together to improve education, income and health – key ingredients that enable individuals and families to live quality lives. The value of our network is in the way that we approach our work (i.e. engaging individuals, convening those who care about improving their communities) AND the results that we deliver, working with others.

The vision of our collective future is United Way positioned as the number one global philanthropic partner of choice. To realize this vision, we need to work together as a network to effectively measure and consistently communicate our shared value. Our investors and partners are increasingly global, and delivering value for them requires our network to be able to demonstrate how we are working to solve problems and improve conditions in the geographies they care most about. This of course, includes individual communities, but it also increasingly includes specific corporate and partner footprints that span states, countries, and regions of the world.

The Global Results Framework was developed for this purpose. The framework includes a limited, core set of indicators developed to measure and proactively convey United Way’s aggregate impact.”

-United Way Worldwide Data Reporting Guide

Clear Impact is proud to help support United Way Worldwide’s Global Results Framework initiative. 

Engaging Grantees in GRF


Engaging Grantees in the Global Results Framework with Clear Impact Scorecard

GRF Resources

Free Webinar:

Using the Clear Impact Scorecard to Achieve Local Impact and Support the United Way Global Results Framework


UWW GRF Orientation Video

UWW Global Results Framework Orientation Video

Free e-book:

UWW Global Results Framework Data Reporting Guide