Results-Based Accountability
Resource Library

Learn the Basics

What is RBA?

Results-Based Accountabilityâ„¢ is a disciplined way of thinking and acting to improve entrenched and complex social problems.

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turn the curve

Turn the Curve Thinking

Once you identify the most powerful measures to improve, Results-Based Accountability provides a step-by-step process to get from ends to means.

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Creating Baselines

A baseline is a multi-year display of data with two parts: a historical part that shows where we’ve been, and a forecast that shows where we are headed.

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Performance Measures

A good performance measure gives you and your staff the ability to make changes and see whether those changes improve performance.

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Free E-Book: The Results-Based Accountability Guide

RBA GuideDownload the Results-Based Accountability Guide to learn how the RBA framework can help you develop baselines and use them to make data-driven decisions.

Download E-Book

Free Video: Results-Based Accountability 101

Watch a full-length Results-Based Accountability 101 presentation by the framework’s creator, Mark Friedman. This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of Population Accountability and Performance Accountability concepts.

Watch Presentation

The World’s Only RBA Support Software

Clear Impact Scorecard is the only software built to support the implementation of RBA. With it, you can separate population and performance accountability, keep track of your indicators and performance measures, and bring greater impact to your customers and communities. Signup for a free personalized demo today.

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In-Depth Resources

This guide is intended for those working to implement Results-Based Accountability in their community, city, county, council, state or nation. Implementation is no small matter. The leap from theory to practice requires courage, time, discipline and some knowledge about how to do the work. The resources contained within this guide are devoted to this last ingredient; how to do the work. It is an attempt to summarize as much as possible of what we know about implementation.

If you haven’t already, also check out the other tools available to support the implementation of RBA, most notably the book, Trying Hard is Not Good Enough, and the software.

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Results-Based Accountability Professional Certification

Become a Results-Based Accountability certified professional today and become better equipped to lead data-driven initiatives!

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Enhance your RBA implementation skillset

Increase internal capacity

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RBA Certification

Results-Based Accountability Training

Build the Skills Needed to Practice RBA Effectively and Advance Your Work

Some of the services we offer include:

  • RBA 101 Workshop
  • RBA Train the Trainer Workshop
  • Results Based Management, Budgeting, and Strategic Planning
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