Community Health Improvement Plans
Create a More Impactful CHIP
Simplify the CHIP planning process, increase accountability for results, and improve community health.
Community Health Improvement Plans are important tools. But not all CHIPs are created equal or lead to demonstrable results.
Through our work with many health departments and organizations over the years, we have identified critical factors of success. One method to achieve your goals is to create your CHIP in an electronic format.
Automating your plan with performance management software can help you create a CHIP that:
- Keeps everyone on the same page
- Is dynamic, interactive, and more easily updated
- Is actually utilized to its full potential instead of forgotten in a drawer

Benefits of Automating Your CHIP
- Data is easier to update and is more accurate
- Easier to navigate and thus more likely to be utilized to guide decision-making
- Easier to share with coworkers, partners, stakeholders, and the public
- Can help accelerate the path to national public health accreditation