About the Contest

This year, Clear Impact launched the inaugural Racial Equity Turn the Curve Plan Poster Contest – a contest aimed at helping agencies and organizations learn how to effectively use “Turn the Curve” thinking to address racial equity issues. 

One winner will receive $25,000 for their organization or racial equity initiative of choice. Clear Impact will announce the winner concluding the Measurable Equity 2021 Virtual Conference.

Over the past few months, twenty contestants developed and submitted their Racial Equity Turn the Curve Plans for consideration. We received a variety of plans addressing both quality-of-life population indicators and internal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts. 

A panel graded the quality of contestants’ plans against a rubric of 6 factors. The following five finalists received the highest grades:

The Finalists

1. Identity, Inc.

About: In pursuit of a just, equitable, and inclusive society, Identity creates opportunities for Latino and other historically underserved youth to realize their highest potential and thrive. Each year, Identity assists more than 3,000 in-school and out-of-school youth and their families who live in high-poverty areas of Montgomery County, MD and who are most at-risk for poor academic and economic life outcomes.

Contest Submission (Measure Name): “Percent of 16 to 24 year olds not working or in school”

2. LiveWell Kershaw Coalition

About: LWK was founded by a group of community members interested in using data to guide action aimed at addressing the health issues faced by the residents of Kershaw County. Today, LWK works to foster collaboration between citizens of all ages, working in partnership with public and private sector organizations and schools to increase community awareness of health issues. 

Contest Submission (Measure Name): “A1c Level Across ALL Patients with Diabetes”

3. Medici Road

About: Medici Road is a community development corporation that helps organizations, government agencies, and corporations think differently about the programs and products they develop. They mine data, research new opportunities, and evaluate existing programs. They use this information to write policy that will influence how funding is distributed to communities and the people who live and work in them.

Contest Submission (Measure Name): “Percent of people below 200% poverty”

4. Smart Incentives

About: Smart Incentives helps communities use economic development incentives to achieve their targeted development goals. They work with economic development organizations and investment promotion agencies to manage incentive programs that are both effective and responsible. 

Contest Submission (Measure Name): “% Black or African American People with Disabilities Employed”

5. Vibrant Hawai’i

About:  Vibrant Hawai’i convenes conversations so that all waʻa can travel toward a common goal, build community awareness, will, and action from the foundation of shared values, shift deficit narratives, systems, and policy that perpetuate poverty and inequity, and implement strategies that are developed and resourced by the community and reflect native intelligence.

Contest Submission (Measure Name): “% Teen Suicide Attempts-NHPI”

Learn From the Finalists and Help Choose a Winner!

We need your help! You can take part in determining which racial equity initiative will receive the $25,000 grand prize!

Each of the five finalists above will present their contest deliverable (a Racial Equity Turn the Curve Action Plan) at the Measurable Equity 2021 Virtual Conference (Nov. 9th @ 3:00 PM EST). If you attend, you will have the opportunity to learn about each racial equity initiative and cast your vote for the winner. 

You can learn more and register at MeasurableEquity.com.