From 2012-2013, Clear Impact Australia worked closely with Knox City Council on a study to determine the feasibility of application of RBA in a local government environment within Australia.  This study focused on the application of RBA and CIV (Community Indicators Victoria) in the development of legislated community plans, including the Victorian Government legislated Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.  The feasibility assessment determined that RBA and the use of CIV aligned well and provided substantial opportunity for Local Government to enhance the engagement of their partners in the process of community based social planning.

Clear Impact Australia assisted Knox City Council in the facilitation of the community partner engagement process for both the Community Safety Plan and later the legislated Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.  This is a powerful example of the application of RBA at a community-planning level within Local Government. Using RBA, the team in Knox City Council engaged and analysed the data with their community partners, which led to a robust plan that translated into clear actions for the community and the Council as a whole.  The working documents that were used, and that follow the RBA framework, are located in the attachment to the Community Safety Plan on pages 52-63 and can be viewed here:

Knox City Council states that the use of RBA and engagement with Clear Impact Australia Senior Capacity Building Consultant Kate Tye enabled the application of a comprehensive planning and implementation approach, which starts by identifying desired outcomes and works backwards, step-by-step, to the means. Evaluation is a fundamental component of the approach, which is increasingly important to organisations committed to evidence-based practice.