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Advance Racial Equity in Your Community With Our New Reducing Disparities Implementation Packages

How do you engage partners in a set of processes that deliver equitable outcomes for communities of color? This is precisely what our new Reducing Disparities Implementation Packages are designed to help you accomplish.

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Submission Details

Presenting Organization: Austin
Submission Title: Austin Equitable Arts Funding

Submission Overview: The City of Austin has funded a vibrant and recognized community of arts and culture organizations since 1981 through a dedicated portion of Hotel Occupancy Tax. As the city boomed and attracted more residents and tourists, the amount of cultural funding and cultural contractors also grew; however, systemic inequities in the funding model also intensified. Almost 40 years later, the City and its cultural ecosystem are re-imagining what an equitable cultural ecosystem can and should be. The Economic Development Department’s Cultural Funding Review is necessary to correct the historical and structural disparities that have led to inequitable funding awards for decades. But the question is…HOW does this transformation happen?