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Submission Details

Presenting Organization: ReThink Media
Submission Title: Representation of BIPOC Advocates for Peace and Security in the Media

Submission Overview: ReThink Media knows that who gets heard—and who doesn’t—matters. We measure “voiceshare” to capture which voices in a conversation are being amplified and which are being silenced, and how that changes over time. In this chart, we show that very little of the discussion around national security issues (specifically, nuclear arms control and disarmament) is coming from advocates of color, although their voiceshare has been increasing the last few years. Still, most of the advocacy voices the public is hearing from are white. We know from public opinion research that communities of color in the US are just as concerned about these issues as their white counterparts once they learn about them, but BIPOC respondents are less likely than white respondents to prioritize these issues at first glance. This makes it even more important that BIPOC advocates’ voices are represented in the national conversation: they can reach BIPOC audiences more effectively.