Submission Details
Presenting Organization: Solano County
Submission Title: Keeping Equity at the Center of Everything We Do
Submission Overview: Solano County is ranked one of the most ethnically diverse counties in the US and experiences the highest poverty rate in the Bay Area. A further analysis of risk factors related to child well-being, including indicators such as rates of childhood poverty, child maltreatment, preschool enrollment, and 3rd grade reading scores, revealed children in the 94590-zip code of Vallejo are experiencing even deeper poverty and inequity than the county as a whole. Using an equity lens, First 5 Solano established the Vallejo First 5 Center providing dual generation services in the highest poverty area of Solano County.
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Additional Resources:
Software Overview:
Clear Impact Scorecard for Racial Equity
Free E-Book:
Results Based Accountability Guide