Turn the Curve Action Plan

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Advance Racial Equity in Your Community With Our New Reducing Disparities Implementation Packages

How do you engage partners in a set of processes that deliver equitable outcomes for communities of color? This is precisely what our new Reducing Disparities Implementation Packages are designed to help you accomplish.

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Submission Details

Presenting Organization: Vibrant Hawai’i
Submission Title: Historical Trauma & Cultural Healing: Connecting Community to Culture to Heal, Survive, and Thrive
Contest Result: 2021 Finalist

Submission Overview: Vibrant Hawai‘i Island is a growing community that commits to individual and collective ‘auamo kuleana to increase equitable opportunities to build wealth. Vibrant Hawai’i looks at teen suicide attempts in Hawai’i, disaggregating the data by race to demonstrate that Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander youths have a serious problem when compared to white youths on the islands. The story behind the curve shows that cultural conflicts between native groups and systems of western capitalism, colonial education systems, and generational poverty have contributed to a continuing practice of cultural genocide. To combat cultural genocide and suicide rates, Vibrant Hawai’i partnered with organizations and members of their community to focus on cultural-based education, mental health workshops, youth centers, and other resources to support Hawaiian youth.