1.9 How can we work on long term well-being in a political environment with term limits and demands for immediate success?

The Short Answer 1. "Doing things to get reelected" is a legitimate concern of elected officials. Look for ways in which work to turn the curves on child and family well-being can be "good news" for elected officials. 2. Short-term progress vs. long-term progress is a false choice. We need both and can produce [...]

2020-03-17T13:01:00-04:00By |Categories: RBA Implementation Guide|Tags: |0 Comments

2.18 How do we present a results-based plan to the public, to political leadership?

The Short Answer 1. Organize the presentation to match the Results-Based Accountability thinking process. Start off with the results we want, then experience, then indicators, then baselines, then the story behind the baselines, the partners, our what works strategy, and what we propose to do. 2. Include a brief (one page) summary of the thinking [...]

2017-02-20T22:47:47-05:00By |Categories: RBA Implementation Guide|Tags: |0 Comments