Why Be Accountable?

A performance Scorecard is only helpful if it’s being used routinely and effectively. This means ensuring numerical and contextual data are up-to-date. The frequency with which you update your Scorecard doesn’t always directly translate into improvements, but diligence and accountability around data entry are integral to the improvement process. Looking at the ratio of your measures that are trending in the right direction can also be useful for gauging overall performance and identifying areas for improvement.

A Scorecard that automatically calculates your level of engagement and the performance of your measures is the icing on the cake. You’ll be able to quickly identify whether any of your Scorecards have been neglected, get your data up-to-date, and thus get one step closer to meeting your goals.

Clear Impact Scorecard is designed to help you analyze and improve your performance – in other words, use data to engage in continuous improvement. Now, with the “Accountability Score” feature, you can track how effectively you are using your Scorecards and the general “health” of your measures.

What is the Clear Impact Scorecard Accountability Score?

The Clear Impact Scorecard Accountability Score is a two-part feedback system that gives users an at-a-glance insight into how effectively a Scorecard is being used, based on the Results-Based Accountability methodology. It displays two separate scores that give managers insight into their data. Using and displaying the Accountability Score feature is optional  – you can turn the feature on or off for each Scorecard.

First, the Engagement score gives an index between 1 and 100 of how complete and up-to-date the information on a scorecard is. The following factors are taken into account when calculating this score: % notes filled out, % notes up-to-date, % of measures with forecast values entered, and % individual data values up-to-date.

engagement score

Fig.1 Engagement score for a regional education scorecard.

Second, the Impact score gives an index between 1 and 100 of how well a Scorecard’s measures are trending and performing. The following factors are taken into account when calculating this score: % of measures trending positively or neutrally and % of measures that have “beaten the baseline” (current value is better than the baseline value).

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impact score

Fig. 2 Impact score for a regional education scorecard.* The Scorecard Accountability Score is not a replacement for a professional opinion on the strategy or actual content of a specific Scorecard. It does not take into account the quality of the writing or research that goes into crafting the Turn the Curve strategy for each measure.

What’s it Based On? 

Clear Impact Scorecard itself and the Accountability Score are based on the Results-Based Accountability decision-making framework.

Results-Based Accountability is a framework to help you improve your organizational performance, and collaboratively improve the lives of your customers and communities. It does so by guiding you through a simple process to analyze your data and formulate actionable and impactful improvement strategies. It helps ensure you’re doing the right things and doing those things right.

You don’t have to be a Results-Based Accountability expert to use the Scorecard (in basic terms, we show you how to use it right in the software). We have found, however, that fidelity to the RBA way of thinking can help you get positive results faster. That is why the Accountability Score is designed to measure your fidelity to the Scorecard’s decision-making framework.

If you’re serious about applying the Results-Based Accountability framework, you’ll need to implement software that is built for the job. Clear Impact Scorecard is the only software created to initiate , sustain, and reinforce the work of RBA. Scorecard’s abilities to foster collaboration between organizations, easily share data, track trends, and engage in turn the curve thinking is unparalleled by other software, especially traditional methods like Excel. To understand the full power of Scorecard as an RBA implementation tool, click here to get a free demo.

Learn More:

You can learn more about the Accountability Score here.


Schedule a live demo of Clear Impact Scorecard and we’ll show you how it works.

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