The Short Answer

One hour and 15 minutes.

Full Answer


Some of the answer depends on who is doing the work, the partners at the table, and whether there are paid staff devoted to the tasks.

What is reasonable to expect in the first year? If you have a pre-existing collaborative or coalition from which to work,  and some dedicated staff, it would be possible to start the process on establishing results and have a good working set of indicators by the end of the first year. It would be possible for the work to begin on developing a report card which might be published in the second year of work. A turn the curve table could be set to work on one indicator using the disciplined process described in xxx (see also Prop 10 paper), with regular reports to an elected body. It would be possible to bring new partners into the coalition, either to the turn the curve effort or the general group or both. The work might be endorsed or authorized by executive and/or legislative branches.

In year two it should be possible to have a politically grounded  set of results and indicators and a first report card. The turn the curve group should be able to show some initial accomplishments (actions implemented) and a regular disciplined process for tracking progress and adding to the set of partners and set of actions. The process might begin on developing a table or set of tables for other results or indicators where people can come together and track the indicator and develop strategies.

In years three to five it should be possible to develop a first generation children’s budget. It should be possible to hold one or more results hearings in the legislative branch (eg. A hearing on children ready for school (see Maryland) And begin to use report card and children’s budget data in the budget development and review process. The first turn the curve tables should be showing some measurable deviation from the baseline. And the data development agenda should be producing new, more accurate and more timely data on child and family well-being.