Are you seeking PHAB Accreditation? You can simplify your path toward accreditation and ensure you maintain it by implementing a clear accountability framework.

Watch our free recorded webinar – Creating Your Accountability Blueprint: Your First Step Toward PHAB Accreditation – this October to learn more.


Webinar Description:

Seeking PHAB accreditation without a clear accountability framework is like building an engine without a blueprint: you may have lots of parts but you will not know what goes where and how all the parts work together to form your well-functioning engine.

This Webinar will provide you with a simple framework – an accountability blueprint – that encompasses everything from managing for the health of whole populations to managing the performance of the smallest programs. We will describe the framework and then share examples from public health departments.

By “accountability” we mean the expectation that the investment of resources will produce results – typically, improvements in the well-being of communities and customers. An “accountability framework” is the combination of structures and processes by which accountability is managed.