Today, Clear Impact is proud to publicly present Clear Impact Scorecard 4.0— a significant update to our performance and accountability management software.

Clear Impact Scorecard is a unique decision-making support software based on the Results-Based Accountability™ methodology—a disciplined way of thinking and taking action that governments and nonprofits around the world are using to improve the lives of children, youth, families, adults and communities as a whole. Clear Impact Scorecard technology supports strategic decision-making by providing rapid access to critical data, connecting stakeholders in a single interactive network, and enabling users to create informational scorecards that can be embedded live on any website.

In addition to its performance management capabilities, Clear Impact Scorecard 4.0 is built to align organizations from bottom to top with new and powerful strategic planning and project management tools. Interactive strategy maps enable executives to be involved throughout the strategic planning process and an optimized, responsive user interface means data entry analysts can be trained in under ten minutes.

Here is what our CEO Adam Luecking had to say about the new software release: “There is no other technology on the marketplace like Clear Impact Scorecard. It is designed to help communities do better collaborative planning, to help funders better understand the impact of their investments, and to help programs improve performance and strategy. Critical software updates offer enhanced functionality to our customers, allowing them to deeply understand and improve the impact of their work.”

If you missed our official online launch event, which occurred earlier this morning, you can view it in full below:

Some of Clear Impact Scorecard 4.0’s new features include:

  • Dynamic strategy maps that are linked directly to Scorecard performance, which allows for greater insights and communication power.
  • Interactive Gantt charts and projects that can be seamlessly connected to organizational objectives and performance measures to create targeted impact.
  • A whole new responsive user interface that can be used on any size device and with graphs and information that can be embedded on any space on a website.

For more information, please visit or email