Clear Impact Scorecard as a Sustainability Tool: Michael McAfee

Dr. Michael McAfee, Director of the Promise Neighborhoods Institute of PolicyLink, discusses the unique features of the Clear Impact Scorecard that make it one of the best tools on the market for data-based decision making. McAfee notes that the foundation of the Clear Impact Scorecard is grounded in science as well as the Results-Based Accountability™ [...]

Ready by 21: Results Based Planning for Communities

Ready by 21: Results Based Planning for Communities Using Ready by 21 Standards and Strategies This slide deck resource applies the Ready by 21 Assertions to RBA planning for communities. Readiness for and success in college,  work and life are determined  by more than academic success in high school.   Therefore: Investments in readiness should start before birth and continue  into the mid‐twenties. Indicators of readiness should include not only measures of  academic success and risky behaviors and circumstances,  but also   measures of developmental competencies.. Improvements in readiness require improvements in the Settings and systems where young people spend their time. The capacity for improvement rests within the community’s  leaders – individuals from youth and family members to volunteers to elected officials who regularly take the initiative to spark  change. Download the complete presentation here.

Next Generation Contracting: Applying Results-Based Accountability™ Principles in Contracting

By Phil Lee, President, Clear Impact To download the complete whitepaper click here. Each of the following provisions, for a contract or grant, incorporates a principle from Results-Based Accountability™. Provision 1: Focus on the most important performance measures. Specify the most important 3 to 5 measures (a combination of measures of (a) how well services [...]