Performance Accountability for Programs Agencies and Service Systems

  1. Who are our customers, clients, people we serve? (e.g children in a child care program)
  2. How can we measure if our customers/clients are better off? (performance measures about client results – e.g. percent of children with good literacy skills)
  3. How can we measure if we are delivering service well? (e.g client staff ratio, unit cost, turnover rate etc.)
  4. How are we doing on the most important of these measures? Where have we been; where are we headed? (baselines and the story behind the baselines)
  5. Who are the partners who have a potential role to play in doing better?
  6. What works, what could work to do better than baseline? (best practices, best hunches, including partners’ contributions)
  7. What do we propose to do? (multi-year action plan and budget, including no-cost and low-cost items)