Outcomes-Based Accountability Belfast Roadshow June 2015

Clear Impact will be presenting in Belfast this June for the OBA Roadshow. The goal of these events is to provide nonprofit and government leaders with information on using the Outcomes-Based Accountability™ framework to improve program performance and create measurable community outcomes. Presentations will include an overview of the Outcomes-Based Accountability™ framework by Adam Luecking, author [...]

Essex County Council (UK) Using Outcomes-Based Accountability™ to Improve Public Service Delivery

The following article is based on Essex County Council’s “Outcomes Based Accountability” report, available for download here. Essex County Council (ECC)—one of the largest locally elected councils in England—is utilizing Outcomes-Based Accountability™ (OBA) to improve public service delivery to Essex County’s 1.4 million residents. The service delivery system in Essex depends upon the collaboration of [...]

4 Ways Outcomes-Based Accountability™ can Improve Leadership in the United Kingdom

David Burnby of Burnby and Associates—an Outcomes-Based Accountability™ (OBA) consulting firm based in Hull, England—has recently offered his take on the usefulness of OBA as an effective leadership tool in the United Kingdom. Although written more than a year ago, David’s words remain current, as effective leadership continues to be of concern around the world. [...]