Data and Community Collaborations: Michael McAfee

Dr. Michael McAfee, Director of the Promise Neighborhoods Institute of PolicyLink, discusses how the use of data along with a focus on results gives the work being done in communities a purpose. McAfee iterates that a focus on results can promote community collaboration by providing a goal to motivate community members with and most importantly [...]

Data Driven Decision Making: Michael McAfee

Dr. Michael McAfee, Director of the Promise Neighborhoods Institute of PolicyLink, points out that the use of data in decision making eliminates any bias from organization decisions. McAfee associates the decisions made by collecting, analyzing, and utilizing this data in strategic decision making to the decisions made by business leaders. He emphasizes the importance of [...]

Results Frame = Common Sense: Geoffrey Canada

Geoffrey Canada, President and CEO of the Harlem Children’s Zone, discusses how the Results-Based Accountability™ Framework allows organizations to improve their practice with time. The presence of clear results and indicators help to inform necessary change and create a clear trajectory for success. This focus on data that many organizations overlook is a crucial aspect [...]