About Kayleigh P. Marques

Hi, I'm Kayleigh. I'm a Senior Marketing Specialist at Clear Impact. I'm passionate about utilizing the power of the written word to help our customers reach their peak performance. Some of my personal passions include crocheting, going for *very long* walks, and volunteering at a local cat rescue. I co-wrote "Social Sector Hero — How Government and Philanthropy Can Fund for Impact." Go check it out and download a free digital copy at SocialSectorHero.com.

The Opioid Lawsuit and What North Carolina Should Do Next

7/16/21 By: Jaqueline Blanco The Opioid Crisis. Since the late 1990s, the United States has been facing an opioid crisis that impacts thousands of Americans every day, causing them to become addicted or die from drug misuse. In 2017, more than 47,000 Americans died of opioid overdose and in 2019, nearly 50,000 more Americans [...]

States Hope Johnson & Johnson Settlements Will Finally Spell an End to Opioid Epidemic

July 13th, 2021 By: Henry Malone After thousands of lives lost to opioids, big pharmaceutical companies are paying billions to make up for it. Although the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be nearing its presumed end, a different epidemic continues to sweep the nation despite decades of counteractive efforts. Most of those efforts have been in [...]

2024-11-18T16:50:22-05:00By |Categories: Health, Industry news, Opioids|0 Comments

Design a “Win Your Week” Program to Boost Performance and Impact

Do you know if you are making progress on your most important organizational goals? Do you know how many of your performance metrics are trending in the right direction? How often are you analyzing your metrics? Designing a weekly performance check-in, accompanied by a "win your week" program, can help you answer all three of [...]

The Three P’s of Accountability: Population, Performance & Personal

When it comes to community-based work, we hear a lot about accountability. We want accountability for results, for keeping our word, and for spending donor dollars effectively. We face demands from our superiors, our communities, our boards, and our regulatory bodies. Even amongst the well-intentioned and passionate, it's a daunting task. Accountability is vital, but [...]

New Report: Stakeholder Views on Results-Based Accountability and Social Investment in New Zealand

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangatanga. Tēnā koutou kātoa. With respect, greetings to all people, all voices, and all affiliations. -Sharon Shea, Principal, Shea Pita & Associates About 12 years ago, I was working in the New Zealand health system and searching for a way that would help me to focus on [...]

How Nonprofits and Foundations Can Spend $2 Trillion More Effectively

Currently, there are at least 1.425 million nonprofits in the United States. These nonprofits (including charities and foundations) spend nearly $2 trillion annually….that’s 12 zeros. If you stacked $100 bills on top of each other, $1 Million would reach 3.3ft. That means $2 Trillion in $100 bills would reach 1,262 miles into space (it only takes about 62 [...]

3 Equity Measures for Organizations & the Benefits of Measuring Equity

The following is the third in a 3-part blog series on the benefits of measuring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in your organization. Read part 1 here. Read part 2 here. This blog will explore 3 equity measures for businesses.  What is Equity? A society is equitable when all people have the opportunity to participate, [...]

The 9 Essential Components of a Case Management System

There is a wide range of case management and data collection software systems available. Recently, our email subscribers reported using at least 21 different systems to manage their case data. Unfortunately, many needed multiple systems (some paid, some free) to cover the full range of required activities. Suppose you are a public sector entity [...]

2021-04-16T13:10:08-04:00By |Categories: case management, Compyle|0 Comments

The Business Case for Inclusion – 3 Suggested Measures for Organizations

The following is the second in a 3-part blog series on the benefits of measuring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in your organization. You can stay up to date by signing up for our newsletter to the right of this post. Read part 1 here.  What is Inclusion? Inclusion is the degree to which diverse [...]

2022-01-11T14:37:41-05:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments