Press Release: New book by Clear Impact CEO details how funders can create impact during uncertain times

The book “Social Sector Hero – How Government and Philanthropy Can Fund for Impact” provides eight core strategies for success. Rockville, MD, July 14, 2022 – For over 15 years, Clear Impact CEO Adam Luecking has worked with governments and philanthropic funders worldwide to help them create measurable improvements in the well- being of children, [...]

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake to Keynote @ Measurable Impact 2016

Clear Impact is excited to announce that Stephanie Rawlings Blake, Mayor of Baltimore City, will be delivering a keynote address at this year’s Measurable Impact 2016 Summit in June 2016. Stephanie Rawlings-Blake was sworn in as Baltimore’s 49th mayor on February 4, 2010. In November 2011, she was elected to her first full term as [...]

2016-06-15T16:54:50-04:00By |Categories: Events|0 Comments

RBA Australia Summit A Success! View Photos and Session Materials Now

From 29th September to 1st October 2015, Clear Impact and the Host Committee held the 2nd international RBA Summit in Sydney, Australia. More than 250 public sector leaders, elected officials, and nonprofit professionals attended this event to learn more about Results Based Accountability (a.k.a Outcomes Based Accountability) and how it is [...]

Outcomes-Based Accountability Belfast Roadshow June 2015

Clear Impact will be presenting in Belfast this June for the OBA Roadshow. The goal of these events is to provide nonprofit and government leaders with information on using the Outcomes-Based Accountability™ framework to improve program performance and create measurable community outcomes. Presentations will include an overview of the Outcomes-Based Accountability™ framework by Adam Luecking, author [...]

News From Down Under: RBA and Clear Impact Scorecard Recognized in Impact Measurement Awards and Dr. Michael McAfee Visits South Australia

Recently, some of the Results Leadership Australia team participated in the Measuring Social Outcomes conference and 2nd Annual Impact Measurement Awards in Sydney. Louisa McKay and Kate Tye of Clear Impact Australia and Adam Luecking, CEO of Clear Impact delivered an RBA workshop, focused on providing participants ‘with the tools, language and focus that is crucial [...]