The Leaking Roof

Here is a way to teach the Results-Based Accountability thinking process which will work with any audience. (Your script in bold and Audience likely responses in quotes.) 1. Draw a story behind the curve example with an upload sloping trend of 5 data values on a flipchart 2. Ask “How many people here have ever had [...]

2017-02-20T22:47:44-05:00By |Categories: RBA Implementation Guide|0 Comments

1.1 What are the basic ideas behind Results-Based Accountability, and Results-Based decision making and budgeting?

The Short Answer Start with ends, work backward to means. What do we want? How will we recognize it? What will it take to get there? Be clear and disciplined about language. Use plain language, not exclusionary jargon. Keep accountability for populations separate from accountability for programs and agencies. Results are end conditions of [...]

1.2 How is RBA Different From All the Other Approaches We’ve Seen Over the Years?

The Short Answer 1. Maybe this is just another fad. How well it is done will determine that. 2. But the results themselves (conditions of well-being for children, adults, families, and communities) are here to stay. Results like "all children are healthy and ready for school" will still be important in 100 years. 3. The framework [...]

2018-12-04T15:05:10-05:00By |Categories: RBA Implementation Guide|Tags: |0 Comments

1.4 Where do we start?

The Short Answer 1. Anywhere leads to everywhere. It doesn't matter where you start, you will eventually get to everything. 2. Start where people are passionate. 3. Don't let outsiders tell you where to start. Start where it feels right for your county, city or community. 4. The work can proceed on parallel tracks. Don't let [...]

2018-01-30T11:43:03-05:00By |Categories: RBA Implementation Guide|Tags: |1 Comment

1.5 How do we get people together to do the work of RBA?

The Short Answer When thinking about how to bring people together to do the work of RBA, there are a few organizational and political considerations. (1) Organizational: (a) Build on existing forums: collaboratives, children's cabinets, coalitions, family and child advocacy organizations, United Ways or similar convening organizations. (b) Create tables where people can work [...]

1.6 Where do we start in a (state, county, city or community) that wants to do this? Where do we start in one that doesn’t want to do this?

The Short Answer 1. For a community that wants to do this, use the mainstream political structures in a broad based partnership. 2. For a community that doesn't want to do this, use existing, or if necessary, new advocacy organizations or coalitions to get started, and seek mainstream political support. Full Answer Much of [...]

2018-01-30T11:49:26-05:00By |Categories: RBA Implementation Guide|Tags: |0 Comments

1.8 How do we fit together different approaches when there is more than one approach to Results-Based Accountability being used in my area?

The Short Answer 1. Use a cross walk to let people see how different frameworks are related.  While terminology and structure may vary, most approaches are actually trying to accomplish the same thing and differ principally in the labels used for ideas. 2. The crosswalk tool presented in this guide can be used to: [...]

1.7 What do we do with people who are cynical and burned out from the last time we tried this?

If you're just starting a new Results-Based Accountability initiative (or any other effort to achieve measurable results), you're probably going to be met with some level of cynicism and apprehension. An important part of breaking through the cynicism is acknowledging and communicating that it may have legitimate causes. Here is how we suggest you address [...]

2018-01-30T11:51:54-05:00By |Categories: RBA Implementation Guide|Tags: |0 Comments