Clear Impact Client (Arkansas Department of Health) Earns PHAB Public Health Reaccreditation

By: Clear Impact Staff January 9th, 2025 Congratulations to the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) for earning reaccreditation from the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB)! Here is a photo of the ADH leadership team holding the PHAB award plaque at a recognition ceremony. Clear Impact is grateful for the role we [...]

8 Ways to Use Surveys and the Power of Survey Form Logic for Social and Public Sector Work

By: Kayleigh P. Marques July 17th, 2024 The Power of Surveys: 8 Ways to Use Surveys in Social/Public Sector Work Surveys are indispensable tools in the social and public sectors. They provide a means to gather crucial data, assess community needs, and measure the impact of various programs and [...]

Top 11 Compyle Features for Service Providers — Data Collection, Service Recipient Tracking, Referrals, Analytics, and More!

By: Kayleigh P. Marques July 15th, 2024 Introduction and About Compyle Service providers need robust tools to efficiently manage data collection, surveys, service recipient tracking, referrals, and program analytics. Clear Impact Compyle offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to streamline these processes, save time and money, and reduce [...]

Social Sector Hero Spotlight: Baltimore City

By: Adam Luecking November 9th, 2022 Social Sector Hero Spotlights tell stories of exemplary social and public sector organizations that are making measurable differences in their communities. The following Baltimore City spotlight is an excerpt from "Social Sector Hero – How Government and Philanthropy Can Fund for Impact" by Adam Luecking. [...]

Why You Need to be Disaggregating Your Data for Racial Equity

When working with organizations, we often see leaders with good intentions make a simple mistake: taking their data at face value instead of looking deeper into the numbers. But when you take your data at face value, this can often lead to incorrect and counterproductive conclusions.  Consider an organization seeking to improve the graduation [...]

Have You Designed Your Common Purpose? Here’s Why You Should

By: Adam Luecking, CEO, Clear Impact Two of my sons play on a basketball team together, which I have the great joy of coaching. The team’s goal in early 2022 was to win the championship, and we knew that if we were going to chart a course to that goal, we needed a way [...]

2024-09-03T12:00:04-04:00By |Categories: Featured, Funders, government|0 Comments

What is a Public Health Department “e-CHIP,” Why is it Better, and 3 Examples

In 2018, we wrote about a relatively unexplored health technology innovation that we coined the “e-CHIP” or “electronic community health improvement plan.” This type of health plan is created in a cloud-based data software instead of a Word document or PDF. While not necessarily a new concept or practice, e-CHIPs have become the preferred alternative to [...]

Clear Impact Wins First U.S. Department of Defense Contract With AFWERX SBIR Phase I Contract Award

We are pleased to announce that Clear Impact was awarded an AFWERX Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I contract on November 5th, 2021. To win, Clear Impact leadership successfully established the technical merit, feasibility, and commercial potential of our proposed Research/ Research & Development efforts and met AFWERX SBIR performance quality standards. According to [...]