Role of the Clear Impact Scorecard: Angela Glover Blackwell

PolicyLink founder and CEO Angela Glover Blackwell, discusses the necessity of tracking the achievement of goals through measurement. She talks about what makes a program a program—shared indicators and goals, and a laser-sharp focus on results. Blackwell stresses the importance of not just focusing on the science, but using an organization’s unique measurements to determine [...]

Results-Based Accountability Framework™: Michael McAfee

Dr. Michael McAfee, Director of the Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink, talks about the ability to implement projects at more than just a local level by utilizing the Results-Based Accountability™ Framework. McAfee discusses the use of the RBA Framework to craft larger strategies that are capable of solving larger problems and positively impacting the lives [...]

Trying Hard is Not Good Enough

Project directors from social service organizations across the country talk about the impact of Mark Friedman’s book, Trying Hard is Not Good Enough. The more strategic an approach is for positive results, the more effective it is in the implementation of programs in the social service field. He iterates that data is the most important [...]

A Focus on Results and the Role of Partners

Henrietta Munoz, Project Director for the United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County in Texas, discusses the importance of partnerships in achieving goals and specifically in ensuring that partners brought to the table are active participants in achieving the organization’s goals. Munoz emphasizes the role of accountability in implementing the Results-Based Accountability™ model by [...]

The Inspiration for a National Movement: Angela Glover Blackwell

Angela Glover Blackwell, Founder and CEO of PolicyLink, discusses the basis on data for the development of the Promise Neighborhoods Initiative and Policy Link. Blackwell links the inspiration for the use of data in implementing effective strategies to the core focus and work of the Harlem Children’s Zone in New York City. Data allows organizations [...]

Community Based Results Based Accountability: Frank Farrow

Frank Farrow, Director of the Center for the Study of Social Policy, discusses his focus on community when utilizing Results-Based Accountability™. The power of community is a truly strong driving force when implementing RBA when harnessed properly and utilized as a community process for change. Farrow shuns the idea that RBA is the most impactful [...]

Creating a Culture of Results: Frank Farrow

Frank Farrow, Director of the Center for the Study of Social Policy, discusses the use of Results-Based Accountability™ in creating a passionate culture around making good decisions to achieve great results. A focus on building a culture of results can drastically impact the effectiveness of an organization if all members are on the same page, [...]

Policy Makers and Results: Geoffrey Canada

Geoffrey Canada, President and CEO of the Harlem Children’s Zone, discusses the discrepancies between policy created to improve the lives of students and the reality of those policies when put into action. Canada speaks about the importance of using Results-Based Accountability™ Framework to clearly track the accomplishments of policies enacted on behalf of children to [...]

The Difficulty of Solving Community Problems: Geoffrey Canada

Geoffrey Canada, President and CEO of the Harlem Children’s Zone, discusses the factors that can complicate finding solutions to community problems and how the use of Results-Based Accountability™ can be used to create a successful strategy that can be implemented effectively on a large scale in several communities. Using RBA to measure the problem correctly [...]

Data and Community Collaborations: Michael McAfee

Dr. Michael McAfee, Director of the Promise Neighborhoods Institute of PolicyLink, discusses how the use of data along with a focus on results gives the work being done in communities a purpose. McAfee iterates that a focus on results can promote community collaboration by providing a goal to motivate community members with and most importantly [...]