About Kayleigh P. Marques

Hi, I'm Kayleigh. I'm a Senior Marketing Specialist at Clear Impact. I'm passionate about utilizing the power of the written word to help our customers reach their peak performance. Some of my personal passions include crocheting, going for *very long* walks, and volunteering at a local cat rescue. I co-wrote "Social Sector Hero — How Government and Philanthropy Can Fund for Impact." Go check it out and download a free digital copy at SocialSectorHero.com.

The RBA Guide – New and Improved for 2022

Published: May 5th, 2022 Results-Based Accountability™ (“RBA”) is a decision-making framework that helps government agencies, non-profits, communities, and foundations improve the lives of children, families, and communities worldwide by delivering long-term, measurable impact. It also helps organizations and agencies improve the performance of their programs and services. To help groups implement RBA effectively, we've [...]

Benefits of Signing Up for the Monthly RBA Turning Curves Newsletter

Praise for Turning Curves Newsletter I am certified in RBA and am slowly infusing Turn the Curve thinking into my work.  In the coming year, I would like to build an internal resource library.  I just LOVE Turning Curves and plan to use it to help me build this library. Wondering if you [...]

2022-03-08T17:40:09-05:00By |Categories: Professional development|0 Comments

What is a Public Health Department “e-CHIP,” Why is it Better, and 3 Examples

In 2018, we wrote about a relatively unexplored health technology innovation that we coined the “e-CHIP” or “electronic community health improvement plan.” This type of health plan is created in a cloud-based data software instead of a Word document or PDF. While not necessarily a new concept or practice, e-CHIPs have become the preferred alternative to [...]

Why You Should Stop Changing What You Measure So Much

Want to make a difference? DON’T keep changing what you track!  It doesn’t matter if you’re giving grants or receiving them, one sure-fire way to hinder your ability to make an impact with the work you do is by changing the measures you include in your reports.  You might be saying, “Well our work is [...]

Clear Impact Wins First U.S. Department of Defense Contract With AFWERX SBIR Phase I Contract Award

We are pleased to announce that Clear Impact was awarded an AFWERX Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I contract on November 5th, 2021. To win, Clear Impact leadership successfully established the technical merit, feasibility, and commercial potential of our proposed Research/ Research & Development efforts and met AFWERX SBIR performance quality standards. According to [...]

Vibrant Hawai’i Wins $25,000 in Clear Impact’s Racial Equity Turn the Curve Plan Contest

Clear Impact is excited to announce that Vibrant Hawai'i - a nonprofit organization focused on convening community partners to combat poverty and inequity in Hawai'i - has won the $25,000 grand prize in the Racial Equity Turn the Curve Poster Contest. Kalehua Kukahiko, Associate of Data, Impact, and Equity Initiatives at Vibrant Hawai'i presented [...]

Feds and Their Contractors Need to Know Their Numbers

Performance management has been a main priority in the federal government for at least 20 years. Modern methods, including the use of advanced data-driven tools, are a relatively recent phenomenon. However, improving public service delivery through research goes back to at least the 1930s, with the International City/County Management Association. In recent years, the [...]

Clear Impact Announces 5 Finalists for Racial Equity Turn the Curve Plan Poster Contest (Winner to Receive $25,000)

About the Contest This year, Clear Impact launched the inaugural Racial Equity Turn the Curve Plan Poster Contest - a contest aimed at helping agencies and organizations learn how to effectively use "Turn the Curve" thinking to address racial equity issues.  One winner will receive $25,000 for their organization or racial equity initiative of choice. [...]

How Organizations Accelerate Impact on the Opioid Epidemic Through Online Data Collection and Dashboarding

October 19th, 2021 Combatting opioid misuse, addiction, and recovery is an incredibly complex issue influenced by unique factors in every community. Because of this complexity, organizations must collect vast amounts of data and disaggregate this data further to understand the impacts of socioeconomic status, race, gender, and more. Furthermore, determining cause and effect is [...]

2024-03-27T12:26:58-04:00By |Categories: Health, Opioids|0 Comments

An Indigenous People’s Day Message

October 10th, 2022 By: Marcos Marquez, Clear Impact Equity Lead As we add our voices to those celebrating Indigenous People’s Day, we first pause to ground our words in humility, respect, gratitude, and accountability. May the words that follow be filled with authenticity. Today, as individuals who work at Clear Impact, we acknowledge that our [...]

2022-10-10T14:35:42-04:00By |Categories: Company Updates, equity|0 Comments