A Simple 4 Step Approach to Strategic Planning for Social and Public Sector Organizations

By: Christian Ragland February 24th, 2023 Strategic Planning, alternatively referred to as "Vision-Based Community Impact Planning," is a systematic approach to planning for the future, adapting to changes, and making a community impact vision come to life. Strategic planning in the social and public sectors greatly benefits from the use of [...]

Improve Communication and Collaboration in Collective Impact Efforts with Clear Impact Suite

By: Christian Ragland and Kayleigh Weaver February 01st, 2023 Organizations engaging in Collective Impact know that effective collaboration and communication are critical to achieving impact within a large network of partners. This is also true when it comes to managing the data that informs performance and impact measurement efforts. One way [...]

How to Maximize the Impact of Your Social Investments – 8 Core Strategies

In the philanthropic funding space, having good intentions does not always mean good results. As hard of a pill as this may be to swallow, it's an important fact that every funder should accept. Sometimes we try to get by on our good intentions, but as my friend and mentor Mark Friedman says in [...]

5 Steps to Improving Your Organizational Alignment

By: Adam Luecking July 26th, 2022 Spending more time and energy on achieving alignment is one of the most important things any organization can do to increase efficiency and impact. Alignment ensures that everything you do, individually and as a group, serves your organizational purpose and destiny. More specifically, alignment involves assigning appropriate roles [...]

The Importance of Communication in Your Data Network

Data collection is like a relationship; you're setting yourself up for failure if you don't practice good communication. If you missed our recent blog, we've already talked about avoiding data overload through innovative organizational practices and intelligent use of software. Organizing your data can help you improve efficiency and plan for better results in [...]

Collective Impact: Understanding the Importance of Shared Measurement Systems

Shared Measurement Systems is the second point in Clear Impact’s Collective Impact approach for efficient management. It is important to remember the importance of continuity when using Collective Impact, and to understand that a common agenda should be achieved before considering measurement systems. If you have already consulted with your organization and community to [...]

How to Achieve a “Collective Impact,” With 5 Easy Steps

Have you ever come across a challenge and thought of your own way to solve it to achieve a positive outcome? Have you ever considered the fact that maybe your fellow neighbors or communities may also share the same similar goals or outcomes? Without even realizing, many of us have similar goals or outcomes we [...]

2021-09-03T15:30:31-04:00By |Categories: Collective Impact|0 Comments

Social Impact Measurement: What is Social Impact and How do we Measure it?

Last updated: 1/30/22 In public sector work, we can't just try hard and hope for the best. An organization's executives, boards, funders, investors, and communities demand and deserve proof of impact. People want to know whether their time, money, and efforts are making a difference – and why shouldn’t they? Understanding the type, quality, [...]

Death by Frameworks: Why You Only Need One Framework to Measure Outcomes

Written by: Maya Romic Former Capacity Building Consultant fams, Australia It is an exciting time to work in outcomes measurement and Collective Impact. We are getting smarter about the way we talk about and act on social issues. We are engaging in meaningful discussions about outcomes measurement and Collective Impact, [...]

The Importance of Using Data in Setting up Your Collective Impact Initiative

Data can often be the missing link in a collective impact initiative. However, data plays a substantial role in informing the collective. It has a significant role in the initial planning and determination of focus for collective initiatives, enabling the approach to be greater than simply collaboration. An area that many collectives find challenging is [...]

2017-02-20T22:47:32-05:00By |Categories: Collective Impact|Tags: , |0 Comments