Advance Racial Equity in Your Community With Our New Reducing Disparities Implementation Packages

By: Marcos Marquez October 27th, 2022 Communities across the US are increasingly embracing the importance of advancing racial equity. But how do you translate your aspirations into the reduction of racial disparities? How do you engage partners in a set of processes that deliver equitable outcomes for communities of color? This [...]

2023-03-21T15:26:20-04:00By |Categories: Company Updates, equity, Training|0 Comments

When Analyzing Community Impact, Beware of the “Data Troll”

August 15th, 2022 By: Adam Luecking What is the Data Troll? Any social impact journey worth taking is fraught with obstacles and challenges that can seriously hinder progress. While there are no literal monsters on what I call the “Social Sector Hero’s Journey,” there is a tempting figure that can lead organizations down the wrong [...]

2022-08-11T12:28:08-04:00By |Categories: equity, Performance Management|0 Comments

Why You Need to be Disaggregating Your Data for Racial Equity

When working with organizations, we often see leaders with good intentions make a simple mistake: taking their data at face value instead of looking deeper into the numbers. But when you take your data at face value, this can often lead to incorrect and counterproductive conclusions.  Consider an organization seeking to improve the graduation [...]

Making Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Measurable In Your Organization

We believe that an organization’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) goals can be more successful if combined with concrete data measures and careful monitoring and planning efforts. In other words, our goal should not merely be to “advance” equity but to create “Measurable Equity.” Measurable Equity should therefore not be understood as an alternative [...]

Vibrant Hawai’i Wins $25,000 in Clear Impact’s Racial Equity Turn the Curve Plan Contest

Clear Impact is excited to announce that Vibrant Hawai'i - a nonprofit organization focused on convening community partners to combat poverty and inequity in Hawai'i - has won the $25,000 grand prize in the Racial Equity Turn the Curve Poster Contest. Kalehua Kukahiko, Associate of Data, Impact, and Equity Initiatives at Vibrant Hawai'i presented [...]

How Results-Based Accountability Can Help Your Organization Achieve Racial Equity

Results-Based Accountability (RBA) is a powerful decision-making framework that helps organizations make necessary changes to achieve their short and long-term goals. At Clear Impact, we believe that the RBA framework can give people the tools they need for success at whatever they do. If you are unfamiliar with RBA and its specific steps, consider [...]

An Indigenous People’s Day Message

October 10th, 2022 By: Marcos Marquez, Clear Impact Equity Lead As we add our voices to those celebrating Indigenous People’s Day, we first pause to ground our words in humility, respect, gratitude, and accountability. May the words that follow be filled with authenticity. Today, as individuals who work at Clear Impact, we acknowledge that our [...]

2022-10-10T14:35:42-04:00By |Categories: Company Updates, equity|0 Comments

5 Nonprofit Healthcare Industry Trends and Challenges in 2021

You may have heard the phrase "unprecedented times" an unprecedented number of times over the past year and a half - especially as COVID-19 and its variants continue to wreak havoc across communities, industries, and economies worldwide. But it's true - direct service providers, businesses, governments, foundations, and communities alike currently face many challenges [...]

President Biden’s Executive Order on Racial Equity: What It Means for Equal Opportunity in 2021 and Going Forward

August 16, 2021By: Henry MaloneThe term “equity” is defined as the fair and impartial treatment of all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, income, geography, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disability. However, for as widespread of a population that equity tries to treat, too often such demographics are limited by their backgrounds and not provided [...]

2022-03-29T15:38:28-04:00By |Categories: equity|0 Comments

How Social Service Software Can Address, Boost Racial Equity

On Jan. 20, 2021, President Joe Biden took a step towards leveling the playing field of opportunity for people of color. The newly inaugurated president signed Executive Order 13985 into law, which sought to advance racial equity in underserved communities through the help of the federal government. “Equal opportunity is the bedrock of American [...]

2021-10-05T14:00:20-04:00By |Categories: Clear Impact, equity|Tags: , |0 Comments