RBA Makes Good Politics: Diana Urban Runs Unopposed in Connecticut’s 43rd District

Representative Diana Urban, a well-known champion of Results-Based Accountability™ and avid children's advocate, is currently running unopposed for her eighth term representing Connecticut's 43rd district. Currently, she is Chair of the Committee on Children and Co-Chair of the Results-Based Accountability Sub-Committee of the Appropriations Committee.  Most remarkably, Urban has run unopposed as both a Republican [...]

Everything you need to know about Clear Impact Scorecard 3.0 in 6 minutes

This brief (6 min.) video provides an introduction and overview of the key features in the Clear Impact Scorecard 3.0 application, including: Cloud-based platform Interactive Scoreboard Turn the Curve Template Web Embed Custom Calculations RS Connect Virtual RBA Facilitator Custom Reporting Template Library Restful API For more information, or to try the software free for [...]

Throwback Thursday: Deitre Epps Interviewed at National Association of Planning Councils Conference 2013

For this week’s blast-from-the-past, check out this video of Deitre Epps of Clear Impact speaking with Mary Dodd at the National Association of Planning Councils Conference 2013.       While the interview is brief, Deitre provides an excellent overview of the Results-Based Accountability™ framework (RBA), using real-life examples of initiatives from around the world. [...]

Common Good Vermont: 5 Ways to Implement RBA

Common Good Vermont, a statewide network of non-profits, consultants, and other organizations working to increase effectiveness, recently released their advice on implementing RBA.  The complete article has been re-posted below, but you can also view the original posting by clicking here.   Results-Based Accountability(TM) is sweeping the state of Vermont, the public and private sectors [...]

The Five W’s and How of Results-Based Accountability – Sydney 2014 Keynote Slides

The latest slides used by Adam Luecking for the keynote address at the Social Outcomes Measurement Conference in Sydney, Australia are now available for anyone to use.  Check out this presentation on the Five W's and How of Results-Based Accountability. This slidedeck covers many RBA topics including collective impact planning including: Common language Shared measurement systems [...]

The Collective Impact Toolkit

Welcome to the Collective Impact Toolkit – a collection of tools designed to help launch and sustain your Collective Impact initiative. Download the Collective Impact Toolkit (PDF - 1MB) The tools described in this document are all part of the Clear Impact Scorecard 3.0 software – a data and collaboration system designed specifically for non-profit [...]

FSG – Collective Impact Resources

Articles and Publications "Charting a Course for Change: Advancing Education, Income and Health Through Collective Impact." FSG Knowledge Exchange. United Way, May­June 2012. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. <http://www.fsg.org/tabid/191/ArticleId/780/Default.aspx?srpush=true>. Hanleybrown, Fay, John Kania, and Mark Kramer. Channeling Change: Making Collective Impact Work. Publication. Stanford Social Innovation Review, n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013. <http://www.fsg.org/tabid/191/ArticleId/561/Default.aspx?srpush=true>. Hanleybrown, Fay, Kate [...]

2017-02-20T22:47:39-05:00By |Categories: Collective Impact, Resources|Tags: |0 Comments

Sample Results-Based Partnership Agreement (or MOU) For Collective Impact and Place-Based Initiatives

The Sample Results-Based Partnership Agreement or MOU is meant to serve as a clear articulation of the roles of both a backbone organization and community partner in a Collective Impact or place-based partnership. At a minimum, the Results-Based Partnership Agreement should serve as a declaration of the community results and/or indicators that you intend to [...]

WTOP News Radio: Luecking, Clear Impact CEO, Talks Workplace Productivity

Adam Luecking, CEO of Clear Impact Do you find you can never escape the demands of the office? Is work beginning to interfere with personal time with family and friends? Do you find no matter how much time you put in at work very little gets accomplished? Well, you are not alone. According [...]

Creating Collective Impact with Results-Based Accountability™ Video

Governments, non-profit organizations, grant-makers, community foundations and other public-sector organizations around the world are working to improve the lives of children and families in their communities.. but where do they start?  This short video, produced by Clear Impact, explains how the Results-Based Accountability™ framework can be the guiding force that helps like-minded public-sector organizations work [...]