How Technology and Transparency Help Funders Increase Giving and Invest for Impact

U.S. nonprofits (including charities and foundations) spend nearly $2 trillion annually. For many, it seems like this astronomical amount isn’t translating into a comparable level of social change. It’s no wonder why communities and donors demand greater levels of transparency. Funders could collectively accomplish so much more if they could eliminate waste (part ways [...]

2022-07-27T09:44:02-04:00By |Categories: Funders|0 Comments

How Nonprofits and Foundations Can Spend $2 Trillion More Effectively

Currently, there are at least 1.425 million nonprofits in the United States. These nonprofits (including charities and foundations) spend nearly $2 trillion annually….that’s 12 zeros. If you stacked $100 bills on top of each other, $1 Million would reach 3.3ft. That means $2 Trillion in $100 bills would reach 1,262 miles into space (it only takes about 62 [...]

Case Study: Berkshire United Way; Working with Partners to Make Measurable Progress Towards End-Goals

Summary of Client Results: BUW can more easily see the link between program performance and community outcomes.  BUW staff have more time to focus on the bigger picture now that many time-intensive tasks are automated and completed remotely by partners. BUW engages in more effective data-based decision-making, funding, and communication. BUW has a more accurate [...]

Case Study: United Way of Brazoria County; Using a Shared Framework and Tools to Enhance Communication and Create Outcomes

Summary of Client Results: The work of funded partners is now tied to strategies that align with results and indicators. Increased consistency in how they articulate performance measurement. Enhanced communication throughout measurement and reporting processes. Established a system for communicating outcomes for the GRF. Wedged between Houston's massive sprawl and the warm embrace of the [...]

United Way and Clear Impact Scorecard – a Q&A with Berkshire United Way

If you are in the process of considering grantee performance management, reporting, and/or Global Results Framework solutions and tools, Clear Impact Scorecard is a viable option. Clear Impact Scorecard allows your United Way to not just look at the performance of individual programs and partners, but to aggregate this data and relate it to the [...]

Case Study: United Way of Central Iowa Helps Improve High School Graduation by 17%

How United Way of Central Iowa used ends-to-means thinking and Clear Impact Scorecard to help students succeed at all grade levels. Don't want to read the full story? It's really good ;)...That's ok, you can jump to: Using Ends-To-Means Thinking to Uncover Community Needs What works to Turn the Curve on High School Graduation Using [...]

Measuring Shared Outcomes Across Funding Streams

Funders deserve to know that the work that they are funding is making a difference to the people they serve. But is it possible to measure shared outcomes effectively and meaningfully across funding streams? When collected and used effectively, data can help funders work collaboratively with organisations to: Measure and clearly articulate that they [...]

2021-01-20T13:24:04-05:00By |Categories: Funders|0 Comments

3.17 How do we use performance measures in writing grant applications?

The Short Answer 1. Funders want to fund things that make a difference in people's lives. If you can identify customer results (how customers are better off) and use these to describe, plan, operate, and evaluate your program, you will be more successful in obtaining grants. 2. Be clear about the customers, the benefits [...]