Funders: Grantees Need Consistency and Flexibility to Succeed

“True flexibility can be achieved only when all muscles are uniformly developed.” - Joseph Pilates August 22, 2022 By: Adam Luecking My four kids have wildly different personalities. One is extremely shy, one is outgoing, one goes along to get along, and one prefers to just be left alone. Despite these differences, my wife and [...]

2022-08-12T12:02:04-04:00By |Categories: Funders, Performance Management|0 Comments

When Analyzing Community Impact, Beware of the “Data Troll”

August 15th, 2022 By: Adam Luecking What is the Data Troll? Any social impact journey worth taking is fraught with obstacles and challenges that can seriously hinder progress. While there are no literal monsters on what I call the “Social Sector Hero’s Journey,” there is a tempting figure that can lead organizations down the wrong [...]

2022-08-11T12:28:08-04:00By |Categories: equity, Performance Management|0 Comments

What are Organizational “Side Quests” and Why Should Funders Avoid Them?

August 8th, 2022 By: Adam Luecking Funders - think about all the important activities you and your grantees engage in on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. Whether it’s project evaluation, budgeting, program implementation, research, data collection, data analysis, administrative functions, strategy development, meetings, reporting, operational processes, emails, staff development… the list goes [...]

2022-08-05T16:35:19-04:00By |Categories: Funders, Performance Management|0 Comments

Why You Need to be Disaggregating Your Data for Racial Equity

When working with organizations, we often see leaders with good intentions make a simple mistake: taking their data at face value instead of looking deeper into the numbers. But when you take your data at face value, this can often lead to incorrect and counterproductive conclusions.  Consider an organization seeking to improve the graduation [...]

How to Maximize the Impact of Your Social Investments – 8 Core Strategies

In the philanthropic funding space, having good intentions does not always mean good results. As hard of a pill as this may be to swallow, it's an important fact that every funder should accept. Sometimes we try to get by on our good intentions, but as my friend and mentor Mark Friedman says in [...]

The Basics of Identifying Performance Measures for Your Organization

Long story short, there are two groups of performance measures your organization needs to ensure you are advancing your mission in an effective and timely manner: Performance measures for management, administrative units, and internal functions Performance measures that quantify the quality and impact of your community-facing services (aka, program performance measures) It is also [...]

Why You Should Stop Changing What You Measure So Much

Want to make a difference? DON’T keep changing what you track!  It doesn’t matter if you’re giving grants or receiving them, one sure-fire way to hinder your ability to make an impact with the work you do is by changing the measures you include in your reports.  You might be saying, “Well our work is [...]

Why Performance Management is Important in Any Organization

August 16, 2021 By: Henry Malone For many employers of a given business or organization, performance evaluations can be a difficult undertaking. Performance evaluations of your employees forces you to eliminate any biases in your judgement process and to make honest and fair assessments of their work over a certain period of time (i.e. [...]

2022-03-11T15:07:58-05:00By |Categories: Performance Management|0 Comments

Design a “Win Your Week” Program to Boost Performance and Impact

Do you know if you are making progress on your most important organizational goals? Do you know how many of your performance metrics are trending in the right direction? How often are you analyzing your metrics? Designing a weekly performance check-in, accompanied by a "win your week" program, can help you answer all three of [...]

The Three P’s of Accountability: Population, Performance & Personal

When it comes to community-based work, we hear a lot about accountability. We want accountability for results, for keeping our word, and for spending donor dollars effectively. We face demands from our superiors, our communities, our boards, and our regulatory bodies. Even amongst the well-intentioned and passionate, it's a daunting task. Accountability is vital, but [...]