The Basics of Identifying Performance Measures for Your Organization

Long story short, there are two groups of performance measures your organization needs to ensure you are advancing your mission in an effective and timely manner: Performance measures for management, administrative units, and internal functions Performance measures that quantify the quality and impact of your community-facing services (aka, program performance measures) It is also [...]

Feds and Their Contractors Need to Know Their Numbers

Performance management has been a main priority in the federal government for at least 20 years. Modern methods, including the use of advanced data-driven tools, are a relatively recent phenomenon. However, improving public service delivery through research goes back to at least the 1930s, with the International City/County Management Association. In recent years, the [...]

How to Maximize Nonprofit Impact with the American Rescue Plan

By engaging in effective decision-making and budgeting, organizations can provide services they know work, fix those that don’t, and improve the relationship between funding and impact. This blog originally appeared as a guest article for   Currently, there are at least 1.4 million nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations in the United States. These groups, including charities and [...]

Public Health Accreditation – Our Little Secret to Conquering Domain 9

If you're interested in increasing your efficiency, transparency, and accountability in the community, you may be considering (or already in the process of) applying for public health accreditation. Acquiring accreditation is a long process that requires a significant amount of time and resources. You must complete the prerequisites, design your improvement strategy, fulfill documentation [...]

5 Reasons Your Case Management System is Not Enough

We get asked questions like this all the time: We have a case management (or data) system. Why would we need another one? I like the sounds of a performance improvement system, but where does the data come from? I have lots of data, but no one is using it. Can [...]

How to Achieve the Performance Imperative with Results-Based Accountability

“High-performance organization” is a moniker most organizations—private, public, or nonprofit—would love to earn. And yet who can say what “high performance” really means for mission-based nonprofits? More important, how do executives, boards, and funders get there from here? The Leap Ambassadors Community, a network of more than 50 nonprofit executives, has spent the past year [...]

Public Sector and Non-Profit Collaboration Software

It is without question, that innovation is an important byproduct of collaboration. However, in government and non-profit partnerships, innovation can be stymied. In particular, the public sector carries a high need for performance accountability, creating a “mistake-averse” culture that is difficult to penetrate. Government agencies are charged with preventing abuse, fraud and showing partiality to [...]