Mutually Reinforcing Activities & Gun Control

August 16, 2021 By: Henry Malone Statistics tell stories.  Tracking trends, gathering information and analyzing data can inform a company or organization’s decision-making for years to come. But, statistics can also reveal problems. Take gun control, for example: An issue that’s been around for long enough that years of research have gone into the root [...]

2021-08-27T15:14:03-04:00By |Categories: RBA in Action|0 Comments

New Report: Stakeholder Views on Results-Based Accountability and Social Investment in New Zealand

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangatanga. Tēnā koutou kātoa. With respect, greetings to all people, all voices, and all affiliations. -Sharon Shea, Principal, Shea Pita & Associates About 12 years ago, I was working in the New Zealand health system and searching for a way that would help me to focus on [...]

Case Study: United Way of Brazoria County; Using a Shared Framework and Tools to Enhance Communication and Create Outcomes

Summary of Client Results: The work of funded partners is now tied to strategies that align with results and indicators. Increased consistency in how they articulate performance measurement. Enhanced communication throughout measurement and reporting processes. Established a system for communicating outcomes for the GRF. Wedged between Houston's massive sprawl and the warm embrace of the [...]

Results-Based Accountability and Outcomes-Based Evaluation: Same Thing? (Guest Post)

This guest post was re-published here with permission from the author (more info below). You can read it in its original form here on the National Institutes of Health, National Network of Libraries of Medicine website. We are currently working with performance measures and indicators in assessing the programs of the NNLM (National Network of Libraries of [...]

90 Second Testimonial: RBA in Tarrant County, Texas

Too busy to read a lengthy testimonial? We could sit here and wax poetic about the benefits your organization could experience through the use of the Results-Based Accountability framework (and we often do). But sometimes, we (and probably you) don't have time for that! Instead, today we bring you a brief testimonial from our friends at the [...]

Managing the Accountability Paradox

Public sector managers sometimes feel like they are caught in a paradox. Consider the following scenario. Janelle is a division director going to her agency’s budget meeting, where she will negotiate her division’s budget. As she leaves her office, Janelle’s staff yells, “Bring home the bacon!” During the budget meeting, however, she is persuaded that [...]

Case Study: United Way of Central Iowa Helps Improve High School Graduation by 17%

How United Way of Central Iowa used ends-to-means thinking and Clear Impact Scorecard to help students succeed at all grade levels. Don't want to read the full story? It's really good ;)...That's ok, you can jump to: Using Ends-To-Means Thinking to Uncover Community Needs What works to Turn the Curve on High School Graduation Using [...]

Reducing Childhood Developmental Vulnerability in Australia

In 2009, Australia became the first country in the world to collect national data on the developmental health and wellbeing of all children as they start their first year of full-time school. The latest Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) was released on 9 March 2016, and while it shows signs of [...]

2017-02-20T22:47:28-05:00By |Categories: RBA in Action|0 Comments

Death by Frameworks: Why You Only Need One Framework to Measure Outcomes

Written by: Maya Romic Former Capacity Building Consultant fams, Australia It is an exciting time to work in outcomes measurement and Collective Impact. We are getting smarter about the way we talk about and act on social issues. We are engaging in meaningful discussions about outcomes measurement and Collective Impact, [...]