About Kayleigh P. Marques

Hi, I'm Kayleigh. I'm a Senior Marketing Specialist at Clear Impact. I'm passionate about utilizing the power of the written word to help our customers reach their peak performance. Some of my personal passions include crocheting, going for *very long* walks, and volunteering at a local cat rescue. I co-wrote "Social Sector Hero — How Government and Philanthropy Can Fund for Impact." Go check it out and download a free digital copy at SocialSectorHero.com.

Clear Impact Welcomes New Impact Consultant, Marcos Marquez

Clear Impact is excited to welcome the addition of our new Impact Consultant, Marcos Marquez. Marcos' primary responsibilities will include providing Results Based Accountability training and consulting to new Clear Impact Scorecard clients and mostly placed-based, collective impact initiatives. Marcos holds over a decade of experience in leading communities to achieve improved outcomes by using data [...]

2017-02-20T22:47:33-05:00By |Categories: Company Updates|0 Comments

Outcomes-Based Accountability Belfast Roadshow June 2015

Clear Impact will be presenting in Belfast this June for the OBA Roadshow. The goal of these events is to provide nonprofit and government leaders with information on using the Outcomes-Based Accountability™ framework to improve program performance and create measurable community outcomes. Presentations will include an overview of the Outcomes-Based Accountability™ framework by Adam Luecking, author [...]

Leeds City Council Receives Good Judgment on Children’s Services and Outstanding Judgment on Leadership by Ofsted

Clear Impact would like to extend a congratulatory word to the partnership of services working with children, young people and families across Leeds under the leadership of Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Children and Families Councillor Judith Blake and the Director of Children’s Services Nigel Richardson. Leeds has received a positive [...]

2017-02-20T22:47:33-05:00By |Categories: RBA in Action|Tags: , |0 Comments

Clear Impact Australia Supporting Launceston Tamar Valley Collective Impact Initiative

Last month, Clear Impact Australia worked with the Communities for Children team at Anglicare Tasmania and their partners in Launceston, Tasmania -- assisting them with gaining a greater understanding of Results Based Accountability and how the framework can be used to measure the outcomes of their Launceston Tamar Valley Collective Impact initiative ‘Every Child Succeeds’. [...]

How to Achieve the Performance Imperative with Results-Based Accountability

“High-performance organization” is a moniker most organizations—private, public, or nonprofit—would love to earn. And yet who can say what “high performance” really means for mission-based nonprofits? More important, how do executives, boards, and funders get there from here? The Leap Ambassadors Community, a network of more than 50 nonprofit executives, has spent the past year [...]

News From Down Under: RBA and Clear Impact Scorecard Recognized in Impact Measurement Awards and Dr. Michael McAfee Visits South Australia

Recently, some of the Results Leadership Australia team participated in the Measuring Social Outcomes conference and 2nd Annual Impact Measurement Awards in Sydney. Louisa McKay and Kate Tye of Clear Impact Australia and Adam Luecking, CEO of Clear Impact delivered an RBA workshop, focused on providing participants ‘with the tools, language and focus that is crucial [...]

Clear Impact Welcomes New Senior Consultant, Erika Bernabei

Clear Impact is excited to welcome Erika Bernabei to the team, as a new Senior Consultant! Erika comes to us from the Promise Neighborhoods Institute at Policy Link, where she served as a Senior Program Associate for the past four years. There she developed and managed a results-driven infrastructure and Results Based Accountability training and [...]

Zimbabwe-Based Higherlife Foundation Launches RBA and Clear Impact Scorecard Initiative

Harare, Zimbabwe December 17, 2014—Recently, Clear Impact kicked off a contract to provide training, facilitation, technical assistance, and Clear Impact Scorecard software in the implementation of a Results-Based Accountability™ (RBA) Initiative for the Higherlife Foundation.     The purpose of the project is for the Higherlife Foundation (HLF) to identify and create:   Population results and [...]

Lancaster Youth Bureau Executive Director Honored for Work with NYS Youth and RBA

Last month, John Trojanowsky, executive director of the Lancaster Youth Bureau, was honored at the New York Association of Youth Bureaus annual conference for his work with New York State youth and involvement in a number of Results-Based Accountability pilot initiatives. Trojanowsky was also integral in the development of “Common Performance Measures” for future use [...]

RBA Makes Good Politics: Diana Urban Runs Unopposed in Connecticut’s 43rd District

Representative Diana Urban, a well-known champion of Results-Based Accountability™ and avid children's advocate, is currently running unopposed for her eighth term representing Connecticut's 43rd district. Currently, she is Chair of the Committee on Children and Co-Chair of the Results-Based Accountability Sub-Committee of the Appropriations Committee.  Most remarkably, Urban has run unopposed as both a Republican [...]