About Kayleigh P. Marques

Hi, I'm Kayleigh. I'm a Senior Marketing Specialist at Clear Impact. I'm passionate about utilizing the power of the written word to help our customers reach their peak performance. Some of my personal passions include crocheting, going for *very long* walks, and volunteering at a local cat rescue. I co-wrote "Social Sector Hero — How Government and Philanthropy Can Fund for Impact." Go check it out and download a free digital copy at SocialSectorHero.com.

Don’t Miss it! – End of Year RBA Professional Certification BOGO Sale (2022)

The Results-Based Accountability (RBA) Professional Certification Program is an online training and certification course designed for individuals and organizations that want to master the principles of RBA, deepen their knowledge, enhance their RBA implementation skillset, and become better equipped to lead data-driven initiatives. Sign up by the end of the year (December 31st, 2022), [...]

Clear Impact Partners With Common Approach to Impact Measurement

August 31st, 2022 Clear Impact is excited to announce our partnership with Common Approach to Impact Measurement, an organization working towards better impact measurement for social purpose organizations in Canada. We have joined their community of software providers aligned with the Common Impact Data Standard, supporting better impact measurement through the sharing and aggregating of [...]

2022-08-31T14:04:25-04:00By |Categories: Company Updates|0 Comments

Clear Impact Scorecard Includes Updated National Equity Atlas Data

What's New? Clear Impact stands for racial equity! That is why we are excited to announce that we've updated our Scorecard software product to include updated National Equity Atlas data.  The National Equity Atlas posits that equitable communities mean all residents — regardless of their race, nativity, gender, or zip code — can fully [...]

Tips and Tools: Building Tech-Enabled Workforce Development Partnerships (Interactive Guide)

What Kinds of Technologies & Tools Would Increase Your Workforce Development Impact? Evolving technologies have the potential to help solve growing workforce challenges like the rise of automation, crushing student debt, low wages, and growing skills gaps. But workforce training systems are only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to preparing for the future [...]

2022-06-15T14:55:08-04:00By |Categories: workforce development|0 Comments

The RBA Guide – New and Improved for 2022

Published: May 5th, 2022 Results-Based Accountability™ (“RBA”) is a decision-making framework that helps government agencies, non-profits, communities, and foundations improve the lives of children, families, and communities worldwide by delivering long-term, measurable impact. It also helps organizations and agencies improve the performance of their programs and services. To help groups implement RBA effectively, we've [...]

What is a Public Health Department “e-CHIP,” Why is it Better, and 3 Examples

In 2018, we wrote about a relatively unexplored health technology innovation that we coined the “e-CHIP” or “electronic community health improvement plan.” This type of health plan is created in a cloud-based data software instead of a Word document or PDF. While not necessarily a new concept or practice, e-CHIPs have become the preferred alternative to [...]

Why You Should Stop Changing What You Measure So Much

Want to make a difference? DON’T keep changing what you track!  It doesn’t matter if you’re giving grants or receiving them, one sure-fire way to hinder your ability to make an impact with the work you do is by changing the measures you include in your reports.  You might be saying, “Well our work is [...]

Clear Impact Wins First U.S. Department of Defense Contract With AFWERX SBIR Phase I Contract Award

We are pleased to announce that Clear Impact was awarded an AFWERX Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I contract on November 5th, 2021. To win, Clear Impact leadership successfully established the technical merit, feasibility, and commercial potential of our proposed Research/ Research & Development efforts and met AFWERX SBIR performance quality standards. According to [...]

Vibrant Hawai’i Wins $25,000 in Clear Impact’s Racial Equity Turn the Curve Plan Contest

Clear Impact is excited to announce that Vibrant Hawai'i - a nonprofit organization focused on convening community partners to combat poverty and inequity in Hawai'i - has won the $25,000 grand prize in the Racial Equity Turn the Curve Poster Contest. Kalehua Kukahiko, Associate of Data, Impact, and Equity Initiatives at Vibrant Hawai'i presented [...]