How to Achieve the Performance Imperative with Results-Based Accountability

“High-performance organization” is a moniker most organizations—private, public, or nonprofit—would love to earn. And yet who can say what “high performance” really means for mission-based nonprofits? More important, how do executives, boards, and funders get there from here? The Leap Ambassadors Community, a network of more than 50 nonprofit executives, has spent the past year [...]

WTOP News Radio: Luecking, Clear Impact CEO, Talks Workplace Productivity

Adam Luecking, CEO of Clear Impact Do you find you can never escape the demands of the office? Is work beginning to interfere with personal time with family and friends? Do you find no matter how much time you put in at work very little gets accomplished? Well, you are not alone. According [...]

Ten Reasons to Reconsider the Use of Logic Models

By Phil Lee, as published by the Local Community Services Association, NSW Australia. Logic models are diagrams that explain how a program is supposed to work. A simple one page logic model can sometimes be a useful planning and communication tool. But many programs today are required to produce long complex logic models that explain [...]

Joint Accountability: Geoffrey Canada

Geoffrey Canada, President and CEO of the Harlem Children’s Zone, discusses the concept of accountability and how systems outside of your individual organization have to establish a level of joint accountability in order to succeed. Canada presses that accountability is a necessary standard for achieving results. Without joint accountability programs internally, as well as externally [...]

Improving Performance Accountability in Seven Questions

Performance Accountability for Programs Agencies and Service Systems Who are our customers, clients, people we serve? (e.g children in a child care program) How can we measure if our customers/clients are better off? (performance measures about client results – e.g. percent of children with good literacy skills) How can we measure if we are delivering [...]