Ten Reasons to Reconsider the Use of Logic Models

By Phil Lee, as published by the Local Community Services Association, NSW Australia. Logic models are diagrams that explain how a program is supposed to work. A simple one page logic model can sometimes be a useful planning and communication tool. But many programs today are required to produce long complex logic models that explain [...]

Joint Accountability: Geoffrey Canada

Geoffrey Canada, President and CEO of the Harlem Children’s Zone, discusses the concept of accountability and how systems outside of your individual organization have to establish a level of joint accountability in order to succeed. Canada presses that accountability is a necessary standard for achieving results. Without joint accountability programs internally, as well as externally [...]

Improving Performance Accountability in Seven Questions

Performance Accountability for Programs Agencies and Service Systems Who are our customers, clients, people we serve? (e.g children in a child care program) How can we measure if our customers/clients are better off? (performance measures about client results – e.g. percent of children with good literacy skills) How can we measure if we are delivering [...]