Examples of Effective Community Health Improvement Plans

When created effectively, Community Health Improvement Plans (CHIPs) and Community Health Assessments (CHAs) are useful tools to guide collective health improvement efforts. CHIPs are most commonly created in traditional document form or digital form (which we refer to as an "e-CHIP") using an online performance management software. CHIPs that are created in document form [...]

3 Keys for a Performance Management System for PHAB Accreditation and Reaccreditation

The use of a performance management system is required by PHAB for national public health accreditation, but using the right system will have long-term benefits for your health department. An effective performance management system can help you create alignment not only within your public health department (by streamlining Quality Improvement Plans and Department Strategic Plans) [...]

2019-01-15T17:07:43-05:00By |Categories: Health, PHAB Accreditation|0 Comments

Public Health Reaccreditation (PHAB) in a Nutshell

Important Note: This article is not meant to provide a comprehensive overview of the PHAB reaccreditation process and requirements. It is meant to provide you with a basic understanding rather than acting as a replacement for the 84-page Guide to National Public Health Department Reaccreditation. If you’ve just been accredited or are starting to look [...]

2019-01-04T12:13:38-05:00By |Categories: Health, PHAB Accreditation|0 Comments

How to Conduct a Better Community Health Needs Assessment

There are many reasons an organization or government agency would want to conduct a Community (or State) Health Needs Assessment. Non-profit hospitals are legally required to conduct CHNAs under the Affordable Care Act. The Public Health Accreditation Board requires that CHNAs be conducted in order for health departments to become accredited. All public health organizations [...]

Looking Ahead – Maintaining PHAB Public Health Accreditation with Clear Impact Scorecard

Applying for PHAB national public health accreditation and re-accreditation are similar processes, but the goal of each is different. Accreditation focuses on developing the capacities needed to provide the ten essential public health services, whereas re-accreditation focuses on using those capacities to improve departmental performance and community health. Use of performance management software, like [...]

2019-02-19T12:08:06-05:00By |Categories: Health, PHAB Accreditation|0 Comments

Criteria for Selecting an e-CHIP Software

Digital Community Health Improvement Plans or “e-CHIPs” are much more effective than paper-based CHIPs. Software systems are easier to update than large documents, making e-CHIP data more timely and accessible. Online software systems are also easier to navigate, making e-CHIPs easier to share with stakeholders, partners, and the public. These benefits can help lead [...]

Should You Create Your e-CHIP with Clear Impact Scorecard?

A growing number of health departments around the United States have streamlined and simplified their approach to public health planning by digitizing their CHIPs with the Clear Impact Scorecard. Some, like the Vermont Department of Health, use the Scorecard to streamline all their public health planning, including Community Health Assessments, CHIPs, Quality Improvement Plans, [...]

CASE STUDY: Sailing to Good Health with the Vermont e-SHIP

July 13th, 2018 Leading the Fleet - One of the Healthiest States in the Nation Vermont is consistently ranked as one of the healthiest (and sometimes happiest) states in the Nation. In 2017, Vermont tied with South Dakota for the top spot in the Gallup-Sharecare 2017 State of American Well-Being Rankings, with high scores for [...]

What is The Best Performance Management System for PHAB Accreditation?

Implementing a performance management system isn’t just a good idea – it’s a PHAB requirement. So, one of the first things you should do when seeking PHAB Accreditation is set up a system to store, organize, and analyze your data. There are, however, a lot of performance management software systems out there. You may [...]

New E-Book: The 6 Components of an Effective Community Health Improvement Plan

Is Your CHIP Designed for Impact? While Community/Neighborhood/State/Tribal Health Improvement Plans (CHIP) are great tools for outlining and communicating strategies to important stakeholders, how can we be sure our efforts will achieve measurable impact? The guidelines provided in this new (and free!) e-book, The 6 Components of an Effective CHIP, will help you write a simpler, [...]