Vibrant Hawai’i Wins $25,000 in Clear Impact’s Racial Equity Turn the Curve Plan Contest

Clear Impact is excited to announce that Vibrant Hawai'i - a nonprofit organization focused on convening community partners to combat poverty and inequity in Hawai'i - has won the $25,000 grand prize in the Racial Equity Turn the Curve Poster Contest. Kalehua Kukahiko, Associate of Data, Impact, and Equity Initiatives at Vibrant Hawai'i presented [...]

How to Use Clear Impact Software to Advance Your Organization’s Racial Equity Mission

You and your team have likely considered a racial equity strategy at some point within the past year. To aid individual efforts, President Joe Biden signed an executive order in January to support equity initiatives around the country. While efforts for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) can be well-intentioned, they are much less likely to succeed [...]

Homelessness; How Scorecard can Help and the Importance of Social Service Software

Homelessness has been a long-standing issue in America for decades, and while in recent years total homeless rates have gone down, over 550,000 people still go to sleep every night without proper, humane shelter. In a country with roughly 328 million citizens, this 550,000 statistic composes a mere 0.2% of the population. However, this small [...]

Using Clear Impact Scorecard to Track COVID-19 (New Daily Reporting Feature)

What Should we Track for COVID-19? Due to the rapid nature of infectious disease spread, using data tracking systems that offer daily reporting time periods is a must. Daily, real-time data is needed for epidemiologists to conduct effective public health surveillance, or “the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of health data” (CDC). This data [...]

Public Health Accreditation – Our Little Secret to Conquering Domain 9

If you're interested in increasing your efficiency, transparency, and accountability in the community, you may be considering (or already in the process of) applying for public health accreditation. Acquiring accreditation is a long process that requires a significant amount of time and resources. You must complete the prerequisites, design your improvement strategy, fulfill documentation [...]

Enhancing and Empowering Public Sector Management

It is clear the organizations within the public sector have certain advantages that make community initiatives much more effective in addressing a myriad of problems. However, there are still challenging underpinnings that make achieving sustainable change almost impossible. In an effort to enhance and empower leaders at all levels many organizations within the public sector [...]

Scalable Public Sector Technical Assistance

“Give a man fish you feed him for the day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” -Proverb When one program does something well to make impact in the lives of their clients, the immediate reaction is to attempt to replicate what was done in other programs or other [...]

Public Sector and Non-Profit Collaboration Software

It is without question, that innovation is an important byproduct of collaboration. However, in government and non-profit partnerships, innovation can be stymied. In particular, the public sector carries a high need for performance accountability, creating a “mistake-averse” culture that is difficult to penetrate. Government agencies are charged with preventing abuse, fraud and showing partiality to [...]