How Nonprofits and Foundations Can Spend $2 Trillion More Effectively

Currently, there are at least 1.425 million nonprofits in the United States. These nonprofits (including charities and foundations) spend nearly $2 trillion annually….that’s 12 zeros. If you stacked $100 bills on top of each other, $1 Million would reach 3.3ft. That means $2 Trillion in $100 bills would reach 1,262 miles into space (it only takes about 62 [...]

3 Equity Measures for Organizations & the Benefits of Measuring Equity

The following is the third in a 3-part blog series on the benefits of measuring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in your organization. Read part 1 here. Read part 2 here. This blog will explore 3 equity measures for businesses.  What is Equity? A society is equitable when all people have the opportunity to participate, [...]

The Business Case for Diversity – 3 Suggested Measures for Organizations

The following is the first in a 3-part blog series on the benefits of measuring Diversity Equity and Inclusion in your organization. You can stay up to date by signing up for our newsletter to the right of this post. Read part 2 here. What is Diversity? Diversity represents the mixture of one or [...]

Case Study: United Way of Brazoria County; Using a Shared Framework and Tools to Enhance Communication and Create Outcomes

Summary of Client Results: The work of funded partners is now tied to strategies that align with results and indicators. Increased consistency in how they articulate performance measurement. Enhanced communication throughout measurement and reporting processes. Established a system for communicating outcomes for the GRF. Wedged between Houston's massive sprawl and the warm embrace of the [...]

Social Impact Measurement: What is Social Impact and How do we Measure it?

Last updated: 1/30/22 In public sector work, we can't just try hard and hope for the best. An organization's executives, boards, funders, investors, and communities demand and deserve proof of impact. People want to know whether their time, money, and efforts are making a difference – and why shouldn’t they? Understanding the type, quality, [...]

Public Health Accreditation – Our Little Secret to Conquering Domain 9

By: Kayleigh P. Marques Jan 29th, 2018 (updated Aug. 1st, 2024) **NOTE: PHAB has updated its Standards and Measures since the publishing of this blog in January of 2018. Therefore, the exact Domain, Standard, and Measure names in this blog may not match the updated versions. However, PHAB still requires the use of [...]

5 Reasons Your Case Management System is Not Enough

We get asked questions like this all the time: We have a case management (or data) system. Why would we need another one? I like the sounds of a performance improvement system, but where does the data come from? I have lots of data, but no one is using it. Can [...]

How to Achieve the Performance Imperative with Results-Based Accountability

“High-performance organization” is a moniker most organizations—private, public, or nonprofit—would love to earn. And yet who can say what “high performance” really means for mission-based nonprofits? More important, how do executives, boards, and funders get there from here? The Leap Ambassadors Community, a network of more than 50 nonprofit executives, has spent the past year [...]

WTOP News Radio: Luecking, Clear Impact CEO, Talks Workplace Productivity

Adam Luecking, CEO of Clear Impact Do you find you can never escape the demands of the office? Is work beginning to interfere with personal time with family and friends? Do you find no matter how much time you put in at work very little gets accomplished? Well, you are not alone. According [...]