Social Sector Hero Spotlight: Mission Promise Neighborhood

Social Sector Hero Spotlights tell stories of exemplary social and public sector organizations that are making measurable differences in their communities. The following spotlight is an excerpt from "Social Sector Hero – How Government and Philanthropy Can Fund for Impact" by Adam Luecking. You can download the book for free here and read all [...]

The RBA Guide – New and Improved for 2022

Published: May 5th, 2022 Results-Based Accountability™ (“RBA”) is a decision-making framework that helps government agencies, non-profits, communities, and foundations improve the lives of children, families, and communities worldwide by delivering long-term, measurable impact. It also helps organizations and agencies improve the performance of their programs and services. To help groups implement RBA effectively, we've [...]

What is a Public Health Department “e-CHIP,” Why is it Better, and 3 Examples

In 2018, we wrote about a relatively unexplored health technology innovation that we coined the “e-CHIP” or “electronic community health improvement plan.” This type of health plan is created in a cloud-based data software instead of a Word document or PDF. While not necessarily a new concept or practice, e-CHIPs have become the preferred alternative to [...]

Making Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Measurable In Your Organization

We believe that an organization’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) goals can be more successful if combined with concrete data measures and careful monitoring and planning efforts. In other words, our goal should not merely be to “advance” equity but to create “Measurable Equity.” Measurable Equity should therefore not be understood as an alternative [...]

Client Case Study: Macomb County Health Department

Achieving Public Health Accreditation and Creating Continuous Improvement in Macomb County Health Department In partnership with the communities it serves, the Macomb County Health Department’s (MCHD) mission is to protect the health and well-being of all who live, work, and play in Macomb County. The department pursues this mission by providing a wide range of [...]

Case Study: Berkshire United Way; Working with Partners to Make Measurable Progress Towards End-Goals

Summary of Client Results: BUW can more easily see the link between program performance and community outcomes.  BUW staff have more time to focus on the bigger picture now that many time-intensive tasks are automated and completed remotely by partners. BUW engages in more effective data-based decision-making, funding, and communication. BUW has a more accurate [...]

Case Study: United Way of Brazoria County; Using a Shared Framework and Tools to Enhance Communication and Create Outcomes

Summary of Client Results: The work of funded partners is now tied to strategies that align with results and indicators. Increased consistency in how they articulate performance measurement. Enhanced communication throughout measurement and reporting processes. Established a system for communicating outcomes for the GRF. Wedged between Houston's massive sprawl and the warm embrace of the [...]

Redefining the Role of United Ways with RBA and ABCD

By Dan Duncan, Senior Consultant, Clear Impact Our United Way system is embarking on a bold journey to transform communities across the country (and now the world) by setting goals that are focused on education, income and health; the building blocks of a good life. To be successful, this journey requires local United Ways [...]

2019-11-07T14:02:08-05:00By |Categories: United Way, Whitepapers|0 Comments

CASE STUDY: Sailing to Good Health with the Vermont e-SHIP

July 13th, 2018 Leading the Fleet - One of the Healthiest States in the Nation Vermont is consistently ranked as one of the healthiest (and sometimes happiest) states in the Nation. In 2017, Vermont tied with South Dakota for the top spot in the Gallup-Sharecare 2017 State of American Well-Being Rankings, with high scores for [...]

New E-Book: The 6 Components of an Effective Community Health Improvement Plan

Is Your CHIP Designed for Impact? While Community/Neighborhood/State/Tribal Health Improvement Plans (CHIP) are great tools for outlining and communicating strategies to important stakeholders, how can we be sure our efforts will achieve measurable impact? The guidelines provided in this new (and free!) e-book, The 6 Components of an Effective CHIP, will help you write a simpler, [...]