The Difference Between Clear Impact Scorecard and Compyle

Clear Impact’s suite offers two distinct data management software- Scorecard and Compyle. You can use both software alone, but they are most effective when used together to handle all of your data management and collection needs. To get the most out of Clear Impact Suite, you should understand what each software can do for [...]

Get Advanced Support in Clear Impact’s New “Reach Your Peak” Support Package

Clear Impact Scorecard and Compyle users have a wide variety of support needs when using our software. While we have always supported organizations who use our products, we have also listened to feedback from our customers who want more intensive support options for more specific needs. In order to provide the most options for [...]

Vibrant Hawai’i Wins $25,000 in Clear Impact’s Racial Equity Turn the Curve Plan Contest

Clear Impact is excited to announce that Vibrant Hawai'i - a nonprofit organization focused on convening community partners to combat poverty and inequity in Hawai'i - has won the $25,000 grand prize in the Racial Equity Turn the Curve Poster Contest. Kalehua Kukahiko, Associate of Data, Impact, and Equity Initiatives at Vibrant Hawai'i presented [...]

Client Case Study: Macomb County Health Department

Achieving Public Health Accreditation and Creating Continuous Improvement in Macomb County Health Department In partnership with the communities it serves, the Macomb County Health Department’s (MCHD) mission is to protect the health and well-being of all who live, work, and play in Macomb County. The department pursues this mission by providing a wide range of [...]

The Three P’s of Accountability: Population, Performance & Personal

When it comes to community-based work, we hear a lot about accountability. We want accountability for results, for keeping our word, and for spending donor dollars effectively. We face demands from our superiors, our communities, our boards, and our regulatory bodies. Even amongst the well-intentioned and passionate, it's a daunting task. Accountability is vital, but [...]

Homelessness; How Scorecard can Help and the Importance of Social Service Software

Homelessness has been a long-standing issue in America for decades, and while in recent years total homeless rates have gone down, over 550,000 people still go to sleep every night without proper, humane shelter. In a country with roughly 328 million citizens, this 550,000 statistic composes a mere 0.2% of the population. However, this small [...]

Case Study: Berkshire United Way; Working with Partners to Make Measurable Progress Towards End-Goals

Summary of Client Results: BUW can more easily see the link between program performance and community outcomes.  BUW staff have more time to focus on the bigger picture now that many time-intensive tasks are automated and completed remotely by partners. BUW engages in more effective data-based decision-making, funding, and communication. BUW has a more accurate [...]

Case Study: United Way of Brazoria County; Using a Shared Framework and Tools to Enhance Communication and Create Outcomes

Summary of Client Results: The work of funded partners is now tied to strategies that align with results and indicators. Increased consistency in how they articulate performance measurement. Enhanced communication throughout measurement and reporting processes. Established a system for communicating outcomes for the GRF. Wedged between Houston's massive sprawl and the warm embrace of the [...]

Using Clear Impact Scorecard to Track COVID-19 (New Daily Reporting Feature)

What Should we Track for COVID-19? Due to the rapid nature of infectious disease spread, using data tracking systems that offer daily reporting time periods is a must. Daily, real-time data is needed for epidemiologists to conduct effective public health surveillance, or “the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of health data” (CDC). This data [...]

The Benefits of Technology in Workforce Development

By: Ellie Giles, Ed.D The core or backbone of any positive workforce development program is the strong connections to employers, training organizations, supportive services and, of course, the job seeker. The connections can be complex, and they require strategic coordination and enhanced collaboration. Typically, this is achieved through multiple case management meetings that referred [...]